Ashes of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #2) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,86

the glare in mine while I stared Knox down. “I do, however, find it most curious that you wish for Aria to be on her knees, King Karnavious. She’s been here for an entire week, and yet she hasn’t opened her cunt to a single male within my keep. I’m sure if you wanted it, I could find a witch more willing to service you, if that is what you’ve come seeking.”

“That’s because they’re all weak as shit and basically have vaginas for mouths.” I frowned, realizing no one had spoken to me.

Lore spat out the drink he’d taken and started coughing violently as Brander patted his back. My attention swung to Asil, who glared at me before facing Knox once more. I gave him a warning look, but he didn’t seem to catch it.

“Aria doesn’t put out? That’s strange. I have it on good authority that she’s a rather volatile lover when fucked. In fact, I’m pretty sure Aria fucking purrs when she comes, and rumor has it that the little bitch screams like a banshee when she’s fucked hard enough.”

“Why, it almost sounds as if you speak from experience, King Karnavious. We all know you like to fuck weak-minded witches, but Aria’s not weak, is she? So, why her? Why not one of the other Hecate witches?”

My eyes slipped back to Kinvara, who held up her two fingers, indicating they were close to completing the spell. My heart raced painfully against my ribs, and sweat coated my palms from the death grip I held on the horse’s leather reins. My attention moved back to Knox as he opened his mouth to speak.

“You’re worried about something, aren’t you?” He slid his eyes up to the battlements, finding nothing there.

“Answer the question, King Karnavious,” Asil demanded vehemently.

“She’s a powerful Hecate witch. Who wouldn’t want her? She’s also beautiful, and I do enjoy fucking my witches, after all.”

“They’re all here. So why would you only ask for Aria specifically, why not any of the others?” Asil growled, and my eyes closed as she announced my family presence.

“That’s what’s wrong,” he chuckled, sliding his eyes to the battlements, searching it for any sign of my family. “Oh, Aria. You’re all in one place? That’s rather convenient for me and thoughtful of you.”

“You’ll never reach them, Knox,” I whispered, grabbing onto the sidesaddle to withdraw a raincoat. Pulling it free, I slipped my arms into it, adjusting the hood, lifting my eyes to peer through the barrier at him. “It looks like it’s about to rain, don’t you agree, King Karnavious?” I smirked, placing a facade of bravado I didn’t feel over the panic rushing through me.

“Is that a dick on your head?” Asil asked. Her eyes were mere slits as she studied my raincoat. “There’s not a cloud in the entire sky,” she snorted, peering up as everyone else did the same, all except for Knox, who stared at me victoriously.

The second wave of magic rushed through us, and I studied Knox with an angry frown as he peered up at the battlement. I swung around, seeing everything before I turned back, frowning at the barrier. If one had come down already, it was only a matter of time before the other followed.

“That thing upon your head isn’t right,” Asil said, fixated on my horn.

“It’s not a dick. It’s a unicorn horn.” I looked from her to Knox, who fought the twitching of his lips while he took in the rainbow-colored raincoat and unicorn horn hood I wore. “Terms?” I asked, shaking off the way he made my breath catch when he smiled. I was so going to smack Kinvara upside her head for the fashion statement gear she’d chosen to pack for me.

“They are the same as previously stated, Aria.” Knox grinned, sensing my unease as the barrier weakened. “Come to me, and I will let your family live for now. Fight me, and they die while you watch. You have one chance to take this offer, or you will watch their demise from beside me, on your knees.”

“We don’t accept your terms, King Karnavious,” Asil announced sharply, turning her horse. “Come, Aria, we prepare for battle while your family feeds us their power.” I winked at Knox, who glared murderously at me.

Breathe in and out, Aria.

He can’t reach them if you stay his hand and hold the barrier.

Everything’s going to plan.

“Seize her!” Asil yelled. “Give the signal to the men above to kill the Hecate witches on the battlements, along Copyright 2016 - 2024