Ashes of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #2) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,130

just want sex with her anymore. Yes, I wanted to sexually destroy her pussy and hear those sweet, sensual noises as I stretched that cunt hard, making her feel every single fucking inch of me within her. But I craved her kisses more than I craved her cunt.

I needed the taste of her lips against mine, the pleasure they created as my heartbeat raced like some fucking punk-ass kid learning the taste of a woman for the first time. Aria kissed me, and everything faded to nothing around us.

There was her need and mine, and who the fuck cared about breathing? I couldn’t kiss her enough, and as a general rule, I didn’t kiss women. I’d barely kissed my wife, and I had never kissed another woman because that insinuated feelings, and I didn’t feel women. I fucked them hard and mistreated them because it ended things quickly without a mess left in my wake.

Aria’s mouth was heaven against mine. Her mind drew me to her; the way it worked knocked me on my ass. She calculated, contemplated, premeditated a plan, and then she went balls to the wall to see it through. Aria was five steps ahead of her enemies. She’d Trojan-horsed her sexy little ass into a keep and set fire to it from the inside.

She made my cock hard with her battle strategies. Aria gave me pause as an enemy. Knowing with her, I had to be on my fucking game. I loved her mind as much, if not more, than I loved the feel of her body around mine as I savaged that tender center, where I’d written my name.

She wasn’t just brilliant; she was a self-taught genius. She’s read the Art of War and taught herself how to wage a battle, not with strength, but with her mind. She was a dangerous adversary, and that made her intriguing.

“You know how this ends. You have two options, Knox,” Brander stated. “Marry her and claim her throne before she rises, or end her life. You can’t keep her like this, not even that mark on her thigh, or the one on her shoulder will ensure no one can use her against us.”

“I’m not marrying Aria,” I spat out, rage filling my vision at the idea of marrying a witch whose line ended my wife’s and son’s lives. “That isn’t an option. Neither is killing her. I can turn Aria against the witches. She’s young, brilliant, and her soul is pure. Aria knows Aurora intends to wield her as a weapon, but for what we don’t know.”

“There are other assholes chasing your girl, dick,” Lore snorted. “Well, besides me. You are fully aware that if she ever gives me the green light, I’m going to be all up in that heaven until I’m her baby daddy.”

I glared at him, noting the way his eyes sparkled with amusement. “Fuck off, Lore. You couldn’t handle Aria in bed. She’d eat you for breakfast and spit you out by lunchtime. That girl took my cock and rode me like she was heading into battle, and fuck if she didn’t drain my balls and pat my chest like I was cute.”

“It’s disturbing how much we talk about you fucking her, asshole,” Brander grunted, shaking his head while Lore started moving around, rocking and thrusting his hips. “What the fuck are you doing?” Brander demanded.

“Exercising my hips, readying myself for Aria for when she tires of Knox’s shit,” he explained. “If I’m going to make it to lunchtime, guess I better up my pelvic game. I’ve heard Knox fucking her, and damn, it sounds like baby girl likes for daddy to go deep into the womb. ‘Oh, Knox, deeper! You hit those fucking lungs, big boy! You better push that cock up and out of my throat so I can pat it for the good job it’s doing before you fill my cunt full of that alpha scent. That’s it, fuck me harder!’”

Everyone stared at Lore before bursting out laughing. Brander held his stomach, shaking his head as I dragged my hand down my face, enjoying the rare moment when everything wasn’t life or death.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Killian chuckled, wiping away the tears from laughing.

Lore didn’t miss a beat, rocking his hips while flipping Killian twin birds. I shook my head, turning to peer at the warriors standing beside us, staring at us in horror. I scanned their hands, finding the man that had hurt my girl as anger ripped through me.

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