Arrogant Bastard - Jennifer Dawson Page 0,91

belong, I need to take ownership of my life and choices.

So that’s what I’m doing. I’m done getting swept up in other people’s chaos and desires. Done going along without thinking because I don’t know what else to do.

If I don’t want to get caught up in whatever mess this woman and Caden are involved in, I’ve got to take control of the narrative.

Unlike Caden, I’m not going to run. I’m going to stay and fight for what I want. I don’t think that includes Caden, because if I ever get involved with another man, he’s going to be one that sticks. But I’m not hiding from this situation, since I have nothing to be ashamed of.

I take a deep breath and plunge headfirst into my mess of a life.

I meet her gaze. “Is this a bad time?”

Meredith leans against the doorframe. “Are you here to stake your claim?”

I shake my head. “I thought we should talk.”

A perfectly shaped brow rises. “I suppose you want to compare my story to Caden’s?”

“I haven’t talked to him.” I straighten my shoulders. “I wanted to hear your story without him clouding my judgment.”

Her brow furrows, like she’s confused. “Would you like to come in?”

“Thank you.” I step into the room. It’s dark and messy and doesn’t fit the woman standing in front of me. I take a seat on the edge of the chair and clear my throat. “Believe it or not, I’m not the enemy. If I’d known Caden was involved with someone, I’d have stayed away from him.”

She plops down on the edge of the bed. “Caden doesn’t like to talk about himself.”

So she does know him. It leaves a pit in my stomach, but I continue on because I don’t know what else to do. “Would you fill me in on your relationship?”

She puts her hands under her thighs and blows out a breath. “I’m sure you know how talented he is.”

Not sure what that has to do with their relationship, but I nod.

“Have you heard of Happy Harvest?” she asks.

Happy Harvest is huge, more a corporate empire than a direct competitor, but everyone knows them. I find I’m surprised that Caden worked for them. He seems so perfectly suited for a small, niche operation like ours. “I have.”

“He came recommended, so we hired him to supervise our non-GMO organics.”

This part makes sense.

She smiles. “He impressed our people, so when one of our managers left, he was recommended for the job. The interview was where I first saw him. It was love at first sight.”

It’s painful to think it had been the same for him, but I’ll dwell on that later. Now I need to focus on gathering information.

“It’s my family’s business, and I’ve been groomed practically from birth to be a key player in the company,” she continues. “Whenever we move someone up to management, we get together with the candidate to make sure we feel it’s a good fit, and the second I saw Caden, I recognized I was looking at greatness. See, my father is close to retirement, and he thinks my older brother should be in charge. I disagree.” Her expression turns dark, like a thunderstorm that blots out the sun. “He only thinks that because he’s old fashioned and believes boys are better than girls. But my brother Mark is not better. I’m the clear choice to succeed. I’m the one with the plans, vision, and ambition.”

Her features clear, and it’s like the sun’s come out again. “Then I found Caden.” She shook her head. “It was like…” Another shake. “I don’t know, like he was the man I never knew I was dreaming of. One look and I knew he had to be mine.”

Interesting that she viewed him more as a possession. I have a hard time reconciling the man I know with one who would be okay with that. But I don’t interrupt to clarify. I just let her talk and hope it will become clear.

“My father objected, of course, and he tried to keep me away from him, but I had to have him. Caden resisted at first.” She darts a glance in my direction to make sure I’m listening, and I don’t disappoint her. I’m on the edge of my seat. “I mean, you know how he is.”

Something about her tone and the expression on her face makes me think she wants an audience, like the prospect of drama between us excites her. But I’m not playing that game. In fact, Copyright 2016 - 2024