Arrogant Bastard - Jennifer Dawson Page 0,7

light,” Caden says.

Jackson juts a fork in his direction. “He taught me a few things, and that’s saying something.”

“Jackson thinks he knows everything, so that is definitely saying something.” Wyatt nods at Caden, his expression satisfied. “Looking forward to it.”

“I aim to please,” Caden says.

I roll my eyes so hard I might pull a muscle.

Caden shifts his focus to me. “I’ll need to get set up in an office tomorrow so I can review all the schedules.”

“Your office is right next to mine.”

That was an excellent idea when Burt was manager, but now it seems ill conceived. Not anything I can do about it, though, so I’m the consummate professional. “Stop by when you’re done with Wyatt, and I’ll walk you through our systems.”

A sharp nod. “Anything you can give me to go over tonight would help me get a jump on the morning.”

My chin tilts. “I’m heading back after dinner. I’ll pull some stuff together. Also, if you get the paperwork done tonight, I’ll make sure you’re set up in our systems first thing.”

“Good.” His tone makes it sound like he’s the one in charge.

I choose not to comment.

Wyatt grins at me. “I like this guy.”

Caden chuckles. “Just doing the job you’re paying me for.”

Oh great, now they all love him. And why wouldn’t they? He’s obviously competent, and also saving the day. He’s been here for less than five hours, and he’s a goddamn hero.

My teeth clench, and I remind myself I should be thrilled. This is a win for me—a mark in my favor that proves I’m not just in this job because I’m the sister of the bosses.

But everything about Caden, and the way my family has taken to him, still rubs me the wrong way.

His eyes meet mine. “I’ll walk over with you after dinner and grab the keys too.”

Give him the paperwork and the keys, and then I’ll be done with him for at least the rest of the day. Tomorrow, I’ll feel better about the whole ordeal.

I give him a brilliant smile. “It’s settled then.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.”

His voice slides over my skin, and I shiver involuntarily.

I just need to get through the next couple of days. The faster he’s up to speed, the less contact I’ll have with him. Sure, I’ll work closely with him, but he’ll be busy most of the time with the crops and the hands. And I can start turning my attention to the parts of my job I’ve been ignoring.

We won’t spend that much time together.

The trick is to pretend he has no effect on me. I can do that. I’m good at pretending.

I pick up my glass of sweet tea. “Welcome aboard.”

Caden’s eyes narrow, like he’s suspicious of me.

I keep my expression impassive.

Just get through the week and everything will settle down. Once I get to know him, his commanding presence will wear off. I’m sure of it.

One week, and he’ll be just another guy.


I’m not sure what it is about Cat McKay, but something makes me want to break her. I can’t explain it, but it’s like she’s hiding behind a persona that doesn’t quite fit her. I want to prod her until I see the real woman beneath.

I have no idea why I think this, but it settled in my gut as I watched her during dinner and won’t let go. It’s something about the way she flashes bright before covering it up with civility. There’s a wildness about her that lurks just under the surface.

Although maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part—hard to tell.

I walk next to her down the dirt lane from the big farmhouse to the distillery where the offices are. There’s nothing but silence, as thick as the hot, humid air.

I won over the McKay brothers easily enough, but I can tell there will be no easy winning with Cat. I can’t even blame her. It’s clear the sparking is something neither of us wants.

But again, it’s nothing I can’t handle.

I’ve decided to ignore her prickliness, adopt a kill-her-with-kindness kinda deal. Kindness isn’t in my nature, especially with a woman like Cat, but it will keep me from engaging in the worst of my self-destructive instincts.

I will not stoke the fire. She’s a mystery that will need to go unsolved.

I glance down at her in the pink and golden blaze of the setting sun and think of the most mundane subject possible. “You run a good operation here.”

She shoots me a side-eyed glare. “One you think you’ll make Copyright 2016 - 2024