Arrogant Bastard - Jennifer Dawson Page 0,68

is practically bursting with life.

He also has ideas.

Good ideas.

Ideas that are like a kick in the gut because I didn’t think of them.

I sigh, pinching my eyes shut for a second to work the dust from them. I feel like I have a fine layer of filth on me, and I can’t wait to wash it all off.

Just as I’m heading down the hall, Payton exits the guest room she’s occupying, and I practically feel myself shrink. She looks far more gorgeous than should be fair.

I blink, taking in her lanky, lean body in a form-fitting black jumpsuit that clings like it was custom made for her. She and Gwen are built the same way, all legs.

My mind immediately fills with Caden watching her entrance in an outfit I couldn’t pull off in a million years. And here I was planning on wearing jeans to the pizza boozefest.

I plaster a smile on my face, and it hurts my cheeks, it’s so forced. “Hey, you look fantastic.”

Payton beams at me. She might be one of the friendliest and most vivacious women I’ve ever met. How could anyone not love her?

How could Caden not want her?

“Why, thank you.” She sweeps her long, softly curled hair over one shoulder and it drapes perfectly over her breast. She looks sophisticated and has a big city vibe that’s impossible to replicate. Hope and Gwen have it too. It’s elusive and mysterious, something I don’t understand about them. Even in the same outfit, with the same hair and makeup, I wouldn’t look the same.

Impoverished farm girl is too ingrained in me.

I clear my throat. “I thought this was casual.”

She chuckles. “I’m comfortable. This outfit is cotton and stretchy.”

I point down at her four-inch stilettos. “You’re in heels.”

She leans in close, like we’re co-conspirators. “Truth be told, I just bought this, and I had to wear it the first second I could because I’m in love with it.”

I attempt to widen my smile. “I can’t blame you. You’re absolutely stunning.”

Before she can respond, Hope comes out of her room. She’s also dressed to the nines in a black pencil skirt with a wide waistband and an off-the-shoulder white, capped-sleeve top. She looks like the words va va voom should follow as she passes. She has one of those exaggerated hourglass shapes that makes men’s eyes roll back in their heads.

Payton cocks a brow and grins. “I see you.”

Hope smooths her skirt down. “I have no idea what you mean.”

“Uh-huh, sure you don’t,” her sister says.

Completely deadpan, Hope stares Payton down. “I can assure you, I do not.”

Payton chuckles. “Well, don’t worry. As usual, your strategy is flawless. He won’t know what hit him.”

I have no clue what they’re talking about. Every time I see the three sisters together, with their easy affection and shorthand communication, I feel a stab of envy. Sisters seem to share a secret bond that connects them. As the lone girl with two brothers, I’ve always felt the odd man out.

Hope brushes her hair off her shoulder. “Good.”

Next Jillian emerges, and she’s wearing a slinky sundress that somehow manages to look both innocent and seductive at the same time.

For God’s sake, they all look like they’re dressed to go out on the town. What is wrong with them? Do they not realize this is Toulon?

I shake my head. “Are we going to a club I don’t know about?”

Jillian saunters over, all dark hair and exotic eyes. “Do you guys even have a club in this town?”

“No, we do not.” Every time one of them steps out into the hallway, it’s like another layer of dirt appears on my skin. I’m hyperaware of my dusty clothes, haphazard bun, and makeup-less face. “Is there a dress code memo I missed?”

Jillian shakes her head. “Nope. It’s Friday.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

She laughs. “It means we glam out.”

“I had no idea.”

Jillian shrugs. “I didn’t really think about it. This is what Leo wanted, and this is what he got.”

Payton laughs. “Does he always pick out your clothes?”

“Not always, but when he’s in the mood… He’s in the mood.”

Payton appraises her. “Well, you look like a slutty virgin.”

Jillian laughs, putting her hand on her stomach. “I know, right?”

Well, now instead of a quick shower, I’ve got to go through the energy of getting ready. I can’t let Caden see me, surrounded by goddesses, in jeans and a tank top.

I gesture toward my room. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to jump in the shower. It’s been a Copyright 2016 - 2024