Arrogant Bastard - Jennifer Dawson Page 0,54

has to give me freely. And until she does, we’re at a standstill.

I pull into my normal spot next to the cabin where I live and shut off the car. The engine falls silent.

It’s quiet here, the buzz of the city no longer present.

I look at her. “Thank you. That was the nicest day I’ve had in a long time, Cat.”

She’s still staring out the window and shrugs. “Cool.”

“What does the Cat stand for?”

A small smile lifts the corners of her lips. “Catarina.”

“It suits you.”

She glances at me. “No, it doesn’t.”

“I disagree.” I meet her eyes. “You’re full of mystery and secrets.”

“I don’t have any secrets.”

“But you do.” I shift in my seat. “And I want them.”

She presses a fingertip to her temple. “You’re so confusing.”

While I can’t do what she wants, I hate that she’s upset, and I hope to make her understand my desire. It’s not much, and she probably won’t believe me, but it’s better than nothing. “Don’t confuse my control with my lust, Catarina. They are most definitely not the same.”

Her chin tilts. “Prove it.”

My blood runs hot. I put my arm on the back of the bench seat, facing her more fully. “You want to fuck my fingers again? Or how about I go down on you until you explode?”

Her body gives a little jerk, as though she’s shocked.

“I wouldn’t mind you taking off your pants, spreading your legs wide and obscene right here, and making you wait until I decide what to do with you.” My lids hood, and I give her a slow once over. “Since I know you want me to watch you.”

She sucks in a little breath, shaking her head. “Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Making it only about me?”

“Why shouldn’t I make it about you?”

White teeth sink into her moist bottom lip. “What if I want to go down on you?”

At the thought of her warm, wet mouth on my cock my fingers tighten, but I stick to the path I’ve decided to travel, knowing it’s the only way. “There will be time for that.”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “What if I want it now?”

“I think you’ll get hotter with me watching you.” I smirk, resting my back against the door. “You just want to see if you can strip me of my control, and you can’t.”

Her face twists. “Yeah, I know.”

The tone of her voice confirms her lack of belief. I meet her gaze in the darkness. “Again, don’t confuse my control with my desire.”

Her shoulders square, and she gets that defiant glint in her eyes. “I’m not willing to settle for less than I deserve.”

“And what do you think you deserve?”

“I want what Gwen and Jackson have.” She waves a hand over me. “Not this.”

Ah, yes, her brother and his fiancée and all their mad, crazy passion. They walk around eyeing each other like they’re on the verge of tearing clothes off.

They are a model couple, but something tells me that’s not really what Cat wants. It’s merely the only model she’s had.

I raise a brow. “And what’s this?”

“You. Distant.”

“Yet you’re wet.” I study her face, searching for the answers. “So what does that mean?”

She looks at me, her mouth slightly agape. She shakes her head. “You’re frustrating.”

“Unbutton your blouse.”

“I don’t think so.”


She stares at me.

I stare back.

Several moments tick by as the car fills with tension.

I glance pointedly at her buttons before moving down her body. “I can make you come right here in the truck instead of sending you off unsatisfied.”

“I can go to bed and get all the satisfaction I want.” She presses back into the corner of the cab, as far away from me as she can get without escape. “You’re hardly necessary.”

She’s trying to trap me, but I’m having none of it. “If you go back to your room, you’ll be tossing and turning, with no orgasms at all.”

“You have no control over that.”

Another test. I shrug. “You’ll lie in bed, and maybe you’ll give it a go, but you won’t get anywhere because you’ll start overthinking it—contemplating whether it gives me more power if you come or don’t come, getting angry and hot that I’ve made it complicated for you.”

“You don’t know anything.” She’s squeezing her thighs, letting me know she likes this more than she’s letting on, that I’m right.

I flicker my gaze dismissively over her body. “You want me to come over there and rip your blouse off, but think about it…” I pause, waiting for her to Copyright 2016 - 2024