Arrogant Bastard - Jennifer Dawson Page 0,44


“What? To die young?” My heart beats fast, instinct warning me to tread lightly so I can get to the truth of her.

She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter.”

I take a risk and put my palm on her back, tracing a path down her spine to rest on her hip. Her body tenses, but she doesn’t push me away, and I take that as progress. “It matters to me.”

She meets my gaze. “Why’s that?”

“I don’t know, but it does.”

“I don’t think that’s enough for me.”

I take a deep breath and try again. “There’s something about you that reaches inside me and squeezes. Something stronger than sex. I don’t like it, but I can’t seem to shake it.”

She lowers her eyes, staring down. “I didn’t think I affected you.”

I have no idea why she’d believe that. Can’t she see what a struggle it is to stay away from her? But regardless of what I think she should believe, I’m stuck with what she does.

“You do.” I run my hand up her back, curl it around her neck, and stroke my thumb over her lips. “If you didn’t, I wouldn’t be here, having the hard conversation.”

Her lashes flicker. “What do you want from me?”

“I don’t know how to answer that.”

She raises her hand and brushes my forearm, but I can’t tell if it’s to push me away or keep me close. “You’re confusing me.”

“Right back at you.”

“I was fine before you came along.”

Now that’s a lie, and we both know it. “Were you, Cat? Were you really?”

She does push my hand away, and I let it fall. “I thought I was, but I don’t know anything anymore.”

“Want to tell me about it?”

She shakes her head.

I nod. There’s time for that, and the fact that she hasn’t bolted feels like enough for now. But I do want to make myself clear.

I meet her eyes. “Someday you’re going to tell me your secrets, Cat.”

A shadow crosses her face. “Why?”

“Because I want them.” I lean over and brush a soft kiss on her lips, not letting it deepen and consume us both. “And you want to give them to me.”

She tilts her head. “And if I want yours in return?”

I have a choice here: to put a wedge between us or pull her closer. I choose the latter. “We’ll have to work out an exchange then, won’t we?”


His words surprise me.

I didn’t expect them, and I’m not sure exactly what to think. But somehow, despite his arrogance and presumption, his presence has made me feel better.

Him sitting here beside me, his touch, his words—soothes away all the ragged emotions pulling at me.

I meet his gaze.

I’ve never had a man look at me quite like Caden does. It’s not with desire—although that’s there too—but like he needs to hear every word I say, to soak them in and absorb them. It’s beyond listening, but I can’t quite articulate it.

It’s wrong to climb deeper down this rabbit hole. I know it will end in disaster. I’m not meant to be with a man like Caden, and he’s not meant for a woman like me.

But right now I’m weak, I want to feel better, and he’s making that happen.

I lick my bottom lip. “Can we start with something small?”

He reaches for me again, curling his hand around my neck. “We can start however you want.”

I blink up at him. “What’s the first thing you think I should know?”

He smiles. “I’m arrogant.”

“I already know that.”

“And demanding.”

“Not new information either.”

“I’m hard.”

I raise a brow. “I’m not touching that one.”

He grins. “Smart girl.”

The mood lightens considerably, and I push at his chest. “Tell me something good.”

His thumb brushes over my bottom lip. “You make me want to be a better man.”

“Oh.” The words surprise me.

“Now you go.” His voice is soft, luring me in.

So I give him something, a confession. “You were right.”

“About what?”

My heart slams against my ribs. I know what I want to tell him, what’s pressing against my tongue and wanting to be revealed. I’m not used to admissions, though, and they have to fight to get free. “To stay.”

“Oh yeah?”

I nod, tiny and small. “You made me feel better.”

“I’m happy to hear that.”

My lashes flutter to meet his navy eyes. “You know this will end in disaster.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“We shouldn’t do this. My brothers, they need you.”

“And what about you, Cat? Do you need me?”

I shake my head. “Not yet, but I’m starting to.”

I hold my breath, waiting. Because Caden has all the signs of a commitment-phobic Copyright 2016 - 2024