Arrogant Bastard - Jennifer Dawson Page 0,27

needing to get this over with as soon as possible. I pass my office and swing into the doorway of Caden’s, only to experience a swell of disappointment.

He’s not there.

It’s empty.

Why? Can’t one thing be easy with this guy? It’s bad enough I need to apologize, but now I’ve got to hunt him down to do it?

Teeth clenched, I march out of the office and out the back door that leads to the fields. The bright sun blinds me as the humid air settles over me like a wet blanket. I raise my hand to shield my eyes, searching the land to see if I can spot him.

A couple of hands are standing and talking, so I call to them. “Have you seen Caden?”

One of them tilts his head in the direction of the restaurant. “He took off with Jackson.”

Great. Well, too bad, because this can’t wait. I’ve worked myself all up to do it, and it needs to be now.

I wave. “Thanks.”

I stomp off down the path, heading to a Gator on the side of the road and hopping in. I take off, leaving a trail of dust in my wake, going full speed until I hit the restaurant on the far side of our property. It might not be open yet, but it’s bustling with activity.

I search the faces of the people milling around, but I don’t see Caden.

I climb out of the vehicle. The first person I run into is Gwen. I try to smile but fear it comes off like a grimace. “Hey, have you seen Caden?”

“He’s in the kitchen with Jackson.” She puts her hand on my arm. “Is everything okay? You look frazzled.”

I am frazzled. And harried. And embarrassed. “I’m great. I just need to speak with Caden.”

She frowns. “You sure?”

I swipe a stray lock of hair from my sweaty cheek. “Yep.” I bite my tongue, realizing I want to run my mouth with an elaborate excuse for why I need to see the man in question immediately. Luckily, I manage to quell the urge, because it will only raise suspicion, and Gwen’s already looking suspicious enough.

Those inquisitive blue eyes of hers narrow, but she nods. “They should be in the back. They’re going over what’s going to be at peak harvest so we can plan the menu.” She beams at me. “Can you believe it? It’s happening!”

“It is! It will be here before you know it.” Her excitement is infectious, and despite my preoccupation, I’m happy for them. They traveled a long road to get here, and they’re finally reaping the fruit of all their planning.

It’s humbling to see what they’ve accomplished, while all I’ve managed this year is a whole lot of nothing followed by bad decisions.

She claps her hands. “Before I forget, we need to shop for the private-event night.”

My plan was to wear my one and only black cocktail dress, a sheath that looks professional and decent. But having another woman around has some advantages, and shopping is one of them. “Sounds good. Sunday maybe.”


I’m antsy to deal with the Caden situation, so I start walking. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

She says something else, but I’m already hurrying away, practically running to get this over with. I make my way down the hall and swing into the kitchen.

Jackson and Caden are both there, sitting on stools at the large island with a laptop and a bunch of papers scattered in front of them.

They lift their heads and turn to me.

I skid to a stop and all the air leaves my lungs. Caden’s wearing a trucker’s hat pulled low over his eyes, jeans, and a faded T-shirt that stretches mouthwateringly over his broad chest.

At the sight of me, he tilts his hat back and gives me the most wicked grin I’ve ever seen in my life before purring out, “Boss.”

I have an irrational urge to scream. I swallow the impotent rage of my own stupid actions and say as calmly as possible, “Can we have a word?”

Jackson gestures to the papers. “Can it wait? We’re in the middle of something here.”

My brother, God love him, is a major asshole about work and pretty much thinks his priorities supersede everyone else’s. And, while in this case he has a point, I’m not willing to be put off. I need to get this off my chest so I can think again and get focused on more productive activities for the day.

I shift my gaze to Jackson and shake my head. “This won’t Copyright 2016 - 2024