Arrogant Bastard - Jennifer Dawson Page 0,22

want to answer.

I raise a brow. “Out of all the questions you could ask in this world, this is what you want to know?”

She thinks about it a moment before nodding. “Yeah.” She jabs a finger at me. “Be honest.”

Now I should say something like I wasn’t in the mood to be around other people tonight, and that would be true, but it’s not really the truth. I contemplate, then decide fuck it. She wants honest? I’ll give it to her.

I lean forward, far too close. “I came here to avoid you.”

She locks those steel gray eyes onto me. “You did?”


She scrapes her teeth across her lips. “I came here to avoid you too.”

“Then this is pretty unfortunate, isn’t it?”

She sighs, all wistful and dramatic. “You have no idea.”



I’m drunk.

I pretended to be buzzed the night we played cards, right along with everyone else, but I’d made sure to stay sober. I hadn’t trusted myself, and I don’t trust myself now, but I’m giving myself a pass because it was an accident.

And the truth is, I haven’t been drunk for a long time. In my haze I can’t help thinking I should do it more often. I’ve forgotten how freeing it is—how it makes everything funny instead of worrisome, how it makes you not care about all the things you should.

I’m enjoying myself, and I haven’t enjoyed myself in what feels like forever.

The man across from me isn’t helping matters.

Now that my teeth aren’t grinding down, and I’ve surrendered to my inebriated state, there’s no one else I’d rather be sitting with.

We’ve abandoned the shots in favor of just beer, so I now sit right on the cusp of happy drunk. I keep meaning to go home, but two hours have passed, and I’m no longer fighting with myself to leave, temporarily giving up the long war I have ongoing with my body.

Caden and I are playing darts, and it’s my turn.

I line up, aiming the dart in a little swaying swirl.

He’s standing in back of me, and I concoct a fantasy that he’s watching me, his eyes on the curve of my hip in my tiny shorts. I imagine his gaze settling on the strip of skin between my top and the waistband. How would those rough hands feel on me?

“You gonna take that shot, boss, or just stand there all day?” His tone is amused, and I let his voice drip down my body.

“Shut it. I’m lining up.” I can hear the flirt there, loud and clear.

A distant part of my brain, unaffected by the alcohol, warns me to pull it together, but I ignore it. God, I just want to have a good time for once. Without worrying.

Is that so much to ask?

“Is that what you’re doing?”

I give an exasperated huff. “Obviously.”

“Looks to me like you’re swaying in place and not lined up for shit.”

A grin slides over my lips. He’s such a bastard. I make a good show, but I kinda love it. I look at him over my shoulder and shudder at the sight. He’s so hot sitting there, leaning on a barstool, long legs stretched out, arms crossed over his chest, a beer in one hand.

I give him a sassy wave of my hand. “You’ll see.”

He chuckles. “I look forward to it.”

I give into my base urges and stick my tongue out before turning back to the subject at hand. Once again I line up, squinting to train my vision on the bullseye. It’s only a little blurry. It’s good enough.

I toss, and the dart lands on the wall next to the board.

“Awww…how unlucky.”

I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with me, but his mocking tone sends heat through my blood.

I whip around, planting my hands on my hips. “The wall moved.”

He laughs. “Sure it did, honey.”

“Did anyone ever tell you you’re the absolute worst?”

He straightens, levering himself off the stool. “You know, that’s not the first time I’ve heard that.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

He walks toward me, his gaze intent. My breath stalls in my chest, but then he veers around me at the last second to gather up the darts and I breathe again.

I turn to track his movements, and he’s standing in front of me, looking down.

He smirks. “Because you’re a smart woman.”

I peer up at him.

We’re close now. It’s a dance we’ve been doing all night.





Over and over.

And honestly, I never want it to end.

I can’t do anything about the tension between us, but it’s been long enough that I want Copyright 2016 - 2024