Armored Hearts - By Melissa Turner Lee Page 0,12

sitting in his lap. He didn’t wish to embarrass the girls or himself with the effect she had on him.

The girls finally scurried off to Gareth’s relief. But wherever they were in the yard, the girl Jessamine would glance over at him and smile sweetly. Gareth in turn would adjust his lap blanket and look away, trying to forget the sweet scent which had lingered in his personal space after she had left it.


The afternoon meal was taken outside as a picnic with everyone sitting on blankets under the tree. Gareth was not interested in staying. He wasn’t that hungry. Tabitha sat on the blanket next to his chair, and he snatched his opportunity.

“Tabitha, I’d like to excuse myself. I’m feeling fatigued and need a nap,” Gareth pleaded with his young aunt. He didn’t enjoy dining picnic style out among the flies any more than he enjoyed dining among society. He felt he’d suffered long enough, watching everyone play games and chatter all morning.

He’d expected her to relent, but instead she grabbed his arm and pouted. “Oh, not yet. I’ve not cut my cake. Stay just a little longer.”

Gareth closed his eyes and sighed. “Fine. But just until lunch is over and we cut the cake. You know I don’t enjoy these gatherings.”

Tabitha squealed. “Tell me what you’d like to eat, and I’ll get it for you.”

He told her, and she went to make him a plate. He watched her go and hoped his torture would be over quickly. In her absence, Jessamine took a seat on the blanket next to him. His heart raced, and he watched her from the corner of his eye but refused to turn his head. Instead, he watched the other gentlemen and ladies settle on blankets nearby as if he found it of interest.

Jessamine finally broke the silence. Her voice was light and had a musical tone as she spoke quietly. “My father and I have been hearing stories about your little town. It seems you have a medieval ghost protecting your shire.”

Gareth turned and peered down at the girl. “Pardon?”

Her large, brown eyes never faltered. She sat up on her knees, biting her lip in expectation. “The Flying Knight. What do you think about the local legend—have you ever seen him?”

Gareth looked away. “Rubbish.”

“So you don’t believe in him?” There was doubt in her tone.

Gareth turned back to face her. “Is that why you’ve come here from America, to find this flying knight?”

She grinned. “Maybe. My father has plans to marry me to some stuffy English lord. But I think marrying a flying knight would be much more exciting. What do you think?”

Gareth looked away. “I’m not sure a ghost would have need of a wife.”

Tabitha finally returned with his plate. He snatched it and said, “Yes, please give me my food so I can fulfill my promise and leave this ridiculous party.”

The two girls smiled and glanced at each other before scurrying off whispering as they headed for the food together. They returned before Gareth had finished his plate. He ate in silence as the girls continued their chatter. He tried to ignore the irritating American girl but found it difficult. She wasn’t the normal pale, English young lady he was accustomed to. Jessamine was a little more olive toned and more than a little pretty, especially when she smiled at him, which she kept doing every time he peered in her direction.

Jessamine reached out and took hold of Tabitha’s charm bracelet. “I love this. It’s very beautiful.”

Tabitha fingered her abacus charm. “Thank you.”

Jessamine reached into the collar of her dress and pulled out a chain. “I have a similar necklace.”

Many of the charms in the cluster matched, the owl, the heart, and the clock, but Jessamine had a wing instead of abacus. Again the two girls exchanged a knowing look. Jessamine’s grin grew wider. “A BUBO. I knew there was a reason I felt a kinship with you the moment we met. My mother gave me mine. May I ask where you got yours?”

Tabitha glanced about as she spoke in a very cautious manner. “I got it at my bonnet club.”

Jessamine’s eyebrows raised. “Bonnet club?”

“Yes, several ladies here in the shire meet once a week. It includes women from among all the classes and ages, even as far away as Ardenshire. We take our old …bonnets and we…rework them into something more…modern.”

Jessamine smiled. “I see. So you take outdated…bonnets you have around the house and modernize them.”

“Yes, I have a whole Copyright 2016 - 2024