Archangel's War (Guild Hunter #12) - Nalini Singh Page 0,65

cupping her cheek, the pad of his thumb brushing over her cheekbone. “I will not fill your mind with the silent screams of the dead. We will give them a chance.”

Sobs broke through her.

She didn’t fight them. Someone had to cry for the lost.

Raphael wrapped her up in his arms, his heart beating in time with hers.

* * *

• • •

It wasn’t until they were in the jet that they noticed the dot of black on the back of Elena’s hand. Raphael immediately hauled his consort into the private room in the back so she could strip to the skin. She didn’t protest his resulting examination.

“Just that one,” he confirmed. “I’ll take care of it with a whisper of wildfire.”

“No, wait. It’s tiny yet. Give it until we get to Japan—I want to know if I have any immunity.” Elena pressed her unmarked hand over his heart, holding him back. “I have tendrils of wildfire inside me, too. If I get hit in battle, I have to know my tolerances.”

Raphael ground his teeth because she was right. “Only until the jet lands.”

“Agreed. Now get naked.” A hard swallow. “I need to be sure, too.”

It was his turn to cooperate.

“Not a single blemish.” A kiss pressed to his spine, her naked body flush against his as she held on with desperate strength.

He picked up her marked hand. “The dot is nearly too faint to see.” A “pop” of wildfire from beneath Elena’s skin even as he fought the urge to eliminate the threat. “It’s gone.”

Turning, he kissed her until neither one of them had any breath left.


Their first flight the next day was over a large city. Things appear as they should.

I’m not getting any vibes, Elena said from where she flew to his left.

Lijuan, however, wasn’t the only threat. When he spotted a huddle of vampires in a small cobblestoned courtyard, their eyes glinting red and their fangs flashing as their bodies shivered, he knew he had only one option.

Because that shivering, it wasn’t cold.

It was a primitive and overpowering lust for blood.

The kiss began to disperse the instant they felt the shadow of his wings, running and crouching and scrambling in a way that confirmed their degeneration from thinking beings into creatures driven only by an insatiable need to feed. No finesse, no care. Jugulars torn out and bodies disemboweled.

He began to pick them off with surgical precision.

His consort took down three with her crossbow.

Her eyes were determined when they met his in the aftermath. “They were too far gone to help.” She nodded down at the skinny vampire she’d pinned to a wall with a crossbow bolt through his heart. “Even though he knew you were hunting, he couldn’t resist temptation. He was about an inch away from ripping out a passing girl’s stomach and burying his face in the cavity.”

She reloaded her crossbow with grim efficiency, her eyes hunter-focused. “I don’t know why they do that. So many of them go for the stomach.”

Raphael finished off the vampires she’d hit; a single touch of his power and their bodies burned in a flash that left only scorch marks on the wall and in the street. A silent warning to those who would follow the same violent path. “Yet you feel sadness at ending them.” He’d caught the regret beneath the focus. “What am I to do with you, hbeebti?”

“Too late to back off now, Archangel. You’re in this for eternity.” She strapped her crossbow back on. “I don’t actually feel sorry for them. Vampirism is a choice and it comes with consequences. It’s the entire messed-up situation. It’s getting to me.”

“At least our sojourn here is temporary.”

“Thank the fuck.”

They located three more nests of bloodlust-ridden vamps in short order, cleaned them out as quickly. “It’s like you can sense them,” Elena said after the final execution.

“My instincts tend to take me in the correct direction—it is a gift that comes with ascension.” He didn’t often have cause to use that ability—such vampires fell under Dmitri’s purview and he was efficient at organizing their capture and execution.

Their next stop was the city citadel. I expect no problems here. The city is under the stewardship of one of Favashi’s senior courtiers.

Actual working courtier, not a pretty ornament?

Exactly so.

The citadel lay behind a wall and was a palace of lush adornment and bronze-streaked fawn marble; Favashi had converted the structure into a barracks for her soldiers and the Cadre used it for their combined forces.

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