Archangel's War (Guild Hunter #12) - Nalini Singh Page 0,56

a family of wild horses raced the shadow of the chopper on the ground.

“The fire on Archangel Raphael’s wings.”

“No.” That was no secret. Little Seth had touched Raphael’s wings, the sight caught on camera by a resident in a nearby building. He’d no doubt find himself the focus of childish curiosity in Amanat, too.

Caliane’s beloved home was no longer a Sleeping city, and its people had begun to have children. The first born would be toddlers by now. Maidens become maids often carried a child propped on their hips, while warriors and others flew babies into the sky to soothe them when they wouldn’t stop crying.

Most of the children were born of mortals or young vampires, but two angels had also recently given birth. As far as Elena was aware, Amanat was the only place outside of the Refuge where you could see angelic children. And that was because it was a closed city. The only people who could penetrate its shield were those welcomed by Caliane.

Raphael’s eyes met hers across the distance that separated them and he pointed down. When she followed his gaze, she found the local band of monkeys waving and hollering up at them from their perches in the forest outside of Amanat. Laughing, she waved in return; she was certain the band recognized her and Raphael.

The cheeky creatures hooted and clapped and no doubt made a racket.

And there, in the distance, was the shimmering shield that encased the jewel of Amanat. It glowed a pink-tinged blue in the soft pre-sunset light, eerie and beautiful. Looking at that symbol of enormous power, Elena was hit by the realization that Caliane could do it all over again—simply disappear into Sleep, taking her people with her.

The chopper began to descend, the landing site within walking distance of Amanat but not so close that the noise would breach the city’s peace.

“Thanks,” Elena said after they were on the ground. “You coming into Amanat with us?”

A slight widening of the pilot’s eyes before he inclined his head and body as much as his harness would allow. “I would be honored to walk together with an archangel and his consort but I will be doing a return trip. Here is my passenger now.”

Walking toward where Raphael had landed was a woman with brunette curls and pearlescent skin. Vampire. No human had skin like that. “She’s definitely not one of Caliane’s maidens.” No filmy gowns or pretty dresses for this woman. She was clad in a razor-sharp black skirt suit paired with spiked red heels, a smartphone to her ear, but the real difference was in the sense of danger that clung to her.

Another old one. Older than Dmitri. So old that she made Elena’s teeth ache.

“It was before my time,” the pilot said, “but legend is that Celesta did enter Caliane’s court as a maiden. Our wise lady soon realized she did not have the temperament for it. She is far better utilized as a huntress.”

“I’m guessing she stayed outside Amanat while the city Slept.”

“Lady Caliane sent Celesta on a hunt before she took the rest of our people into Sleep.” His jaw worked. “She sent me away, too. She has said that we are strong and she knew we would survive without her—I am glad to have grown and come to her with skills needed for this new world, but I would not have her leave me behind again.”

Such devotion . . . it wasn’t so different from what Lijuan’s people felt for her. Elena’s skin prickled. Not at the pilot’s loyalty, at her renewed awareness of how hostile China remained to anyone who would stand against their goddess—even when their goddess made shambling reborn who fed on flesh.

That cold thought chilling her blood, Elena saluted the pilot before she jumped out with her head lowered and ran to join Raphael. Celesta had stopped beside him, was bowing deeply. There was nothing obsequious about it; Caliane’s huntress managed to infuse the act with respect without making herself appear weak.

Spice hit Elena’s nostrils, hints of cinnamon entwined with bark, earthy and hard. Celesta’s scent was shockingly intense, mature in a way that coated the back of Elena’s throat. Archangel, you have any idea of her age?

When I was a boy, Celesta told me stories of my mother’s first court. Out loud, he said, “Why are you bowing to me, Celesta? I distinctly recall you throwing me into a pond to cool down after I indulged in a childish tantrum.”

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