Archangel's War (Guild Hunter #12) - Nalini Singh Page 0,41

hundred years ago, then fell out of practice, but I have a few that have survived my benign neglect.”

Elena had never asked Suhani’s exact age, but felt the cool and deadly weight of that age in her bones. Suhani might work reception, but she was no less than lethal. She was also a dedicated member of the “Bring back Hunter’s Prey” lobby, and had a scrapbook about the show that she’d pull out at any opportunity.

“You have a true talent. Can I . . . ?” Elena lifted a hand.

“Of course!” Bright, happy eyes. “If you really like it, I would be honored to gift you one from my collection. I have a sakura that—” Her smile faded as the maple shot up two inches. Right under Elena’s hand.

Elena jerked back. But the maple, it grew . . . and grew.


Suhani stumbled out of her leather executive chair and back as roots burst out of the glazed ceramic pot in which the bonsai had been contained. Those roots fell over the side of the counter and seemed to be searching for soil, of which there was none in the marble and gloss of the lobby.

That didn’t stop the tree. Branches grew longer and stronger. The trunk thickened and rose toward the ceiling. Leaves expanded in size.

When it did finally stop, it was with a shake that sent a perfect scarlet leaf to land on Elena’s boot. The maple now stood eight feet above the counter. Which hadn’t cracked despite the massive new weight.

Suhani made a wordless noise.

Elena hunched up her shoulders. “I am so sorry.”

Coming around the counter, her steps neat and clipped due to the constriction of her tailored designer dress of deep pink, the receptionist bent back her head to take in the tree. “It’s real?” A whisper. “I’m not hallucinating?”

Not certain herself, Elena reached out to touch a tree root. It was hard and solid under her palm. Alive. “Real.”

Suhani stretched out her hand, hesitated. But she was obviously freaked out enough that she needed confirmation. “Real.” A breath as she jerked back her hand, huge eyes on Elena. “What do I do?”

Elena examined the tree again. “It’s healthy. Shame to let it die. I’ll ask the Legion to see if they can move it.” She winced. “Sorry about the mess in your workspace, and damn, your computer’s on the floor with a cracked screen.” She crossed mental fingers that Suhani had backed up her files. “I’ll make sure it’s all replaced.”

Suhani didn’t appear to have heard; her eyes were fixated on the maple. “No one will believe me. I don’t believe me.”

Elena wasn’t sure she believed her own eyes, either. Er, Archangel? Are you in the Tower?

The rain in her mind, the crashing sea. Yes. I’m on my way to speak to your Bluebell.

Um, mind coming down to the lobby first?

I am intrigued.

Elena stared at the tree again, trying to wrap her mind around the fact that she’d somehow put it on steroids. Then her nape prickled. Of course Raphael hadn’t taken the elevator. He’d simply flown to the ground and entered from the outside. “So,” she said without turning, “I did a thing.”

A sudden squeak . . . before Suhani keeled over in a dead faint. The vampire’s head would’ve hit the floor if Elena hadn’t caught her—with arms that quivered. “Shit, I forgot to warn her you were coming down.” For having worked so long in the Tower, Suhani remained starstruck by angels.

“I will take her.” Raphael carried Suhani around to settle her in her leather chair. “You have decided the Tower needs more greenery?” he asked afterward.

“I was just in the Legion building! None of the plants there did that.” Elena bit down hard on her lower lip. “It was a really old bonsai, too. How do I make that up to her?”

Raphael raised an eyebrow. “Only you would worry about such a thing. You are consort to an archangel, Elena.”

“Doesn’t change the fact I wrecked her freaking ancient bonsai!”

“Tell her she was carried in the arms of an archangel.” Pure chrome blue arrogance. “She will give you every one of her bonsai in return.” He pulled out a feather that was showing signs of naturally falling out, dropped it on the counter. “There, debt not only paid, but interest on top of it.”

“Stop, stop, your modesty is too much.” Elena glared at him. “Will you please take this seriously? I grew a fricking tree out of a miniature.”

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