Archangel's War (Guild Hunter #12) - Nalini Singh Page 0,38

what they should be. The irises appeared an intense black to me rather than even a very dark shade of brown. It is not a natural mortal hue.”

“Are they a threat?”

“At present, they appear to be going about their ordinary lives—farming for the most part. There is a chance it’s the same infection that took Favashi, but that it impacts mortals in a different way.” Jason’s wings rustled as he flared them out before folding them back in. “It could also be connected more immediately to Lijuan.”

Raphael sipped at his cognac as he considered Jason’s words. “If so, she has not gone into Sleep,” he said at last. “A Sleeping archangel cannot impact the world around her.”

“I have sent operatives to all of her strongholds. There is no sign of her or her most trusted people.”

“China is a vast land.”

“Yes, and she has held it for millennia—it’s possible she built a hiding place long before we were born. To be used only once, so it could never be known.”

“Ah-ha!” Elena’s triumphant cry caught both their attention.

Part of the puzzle box had come away from the center. As they watched, she pushed two specific spots using the edges of her nails and multiple other pieces snapped out from the box to reveal a set of tiny metal darts. The box itself had turned into a blower from which the darts could be shot.

Elena’s face was a study in wonder. “This is amazing, Jason! Raphael, check it out.”

Raphael examined the object with interest. “A great artisan put months of work into this.” It was a piece of art as well as a weapon.

Accepting it back, Elena picked up a dart using two fingernails. “I wonder if it still works. Can you throw me a disinfectant wipe from the stuff Nisia left behind?”

After Raphael did so, she sanitized the blower, then very delicately inserted a dart into the device.

Aiming it at the opposing wall, she blew.

The dart flew straight and true to come to a sudden stop in the wall. Small as it was, it was barely visible. Jason retrieved it. “I believe you need to poison the tips for full effectiveness as a weapon,” he said upon presenting it back to Elena.

“I’m totally going to do that. Never know when a secret poison dart might come in handy.” A brilliant smile. “Thank you, Jason. Though . . . it is a little terrifying that you picked up exactly the thing I would’ve coveted had I seen it.”

“I’m a spymaster,” Jason said. “It is my calling to notice such things.”

“Venom’s poison is potent.”

“Hah!” Elena laughed at Raphael’s suggestion. “I’m going to ask him.” Tipping out the darts onto a side table with extreme care, she began to clean and oil the moving parts of the device.

Jason, meanwhile, turned to give Raphael the rest of his report. His people had discovered more ghost villages devoid of life. “We haven’t yet found any bodies.” The spymaster also confirmed that the vampires were getting restless. “The smart ones have started to notice that the archangels never land in China—it’s made them bold.”

Jason’s words bathed Elijah’s earlier concern in a new light. Blood would flow like water should the massive number of the Made in China realize its soil was poisonous to the Cadre. “We have kept you long enough, Jason.” His spymaster’s task was to unearth the problems; Raphael and the Cadre were charged with discovering the answers. “It is time you turned your wings homeward to your princess.”

Inclining his head at Raphael, then Elena, Jason left as silently as he’d arrived. It wasn’t until after he was gone that Elena put down the puzzle box and said, “I didn’t know Jason liked me that much.”

“He is a hard angel to read, even for me, and I have known him nearly all his life.” All but the formative first years that had woven aloneness into Jason’s bones. “But never take Jason’s quietness for disinterest, Guild Hunter.” He ran his hand through the silk of her hair, the tiny feathers at the ends delicate yet strong.

Leaning her head against his thigh, she said, “You’ll have to do a rotation in China, won’t you?”

“Yes.” His gaze might’ve been on the glitter and lights of Manhattan, but it was a land of death and vanishings that he saw in his mind. “Mother stepped in during my absence and will continue to cover for me for the time being, but it cannot be for too long, or it will raise Copyright 2016 - 2024