Archangel's War (Guild Hunter #12) - Nalini Singh Page 0,150

face. She struck him twice more, shredding his own wings.

He fell.

Part of her would always mourn an angel’s fall, but she couldn’t be sorry. Not when he’d come to this city as part of an attacking force—and not when his eyes had been an ordinary blue instead of the ugly black that marked Lijuan’s puppets. It wasn’t like Raphael had gone to China and picked a fight. Lijuan had come here and all these clear-eyed fighters had followed out of choice.

A massive shattering sound, shards of concrete flying up into the air. Something struck Elena’s cheek hard enough that blood dripped down her skin. She glanced back to see a smoking hole in the center of the roof. “What the fuck was that?”

“Look out!

Her head jerked up at the warning . . . to see a bolt of shining copper power heading directly for her. She rolled up to her feet . . . and found herself on the Tower roof, her breath gasps and her heart thundering from the speed of her flight. Raphael was already above her previous position, his wings white fire.

I’m safe! she yelled to him mind-to-mind, as angry frustration gnawed at her. She wasn’t the kind of woman who abandoned her fellow soldiers and ran from danger. She stayed and she fought! Fuck this ability that wouldn’t let her choose!

Elena. A single word that held Raphael’s heart.

Philomena directed her blows toward Raphael, but Raphael was an archangel, Philomena a mere angel even if she was experienced and old. The piercing blue of his angelfire hit Lijuan’s general on one side of her body and that was it.

She disintegrated from the inside out.

Angelfire was designed to kill archangels; ordinary angels stood no chance.

Raphael then blasted angelfire across a heavy line of enemy squadrons coming at theirs and the sky glowed for a long moment before things quieted down. Lijuan’s forces didn’t withdraw but they became warier, more careful.

Come back, Archangel. You’re our only hope when Lijuan rises. You can’t afford to get injured. If the enemy managed to shoot off part of his wing while it was in its physical form, he’d be grounded until it grew back. It might grow back faster than before the Cascade filled him with power, but it wouldn’t be immediate.

There are so many of them, he replied. Our people are exhausted.

I know. But if you fall, we all fall.

A silver-green power cracked the sky at that moment, and Elena stiffened . . . until she realized it was coming from their side. I forgot about Elijah. Her grin was surely manic.

Raphael didn’t reply until he landed beside her on the Tower roof. “Eli is of the same opinion as you.” He folded back his wings, his skin glimmering with perspiration. “He will help our forces while I hoard my energy to take on Lijuan.”

He stared out at the battle zone. “He is a good man. Not many generals, far less archangels, would put themselves in the position of being the assistant.”

“Yeah, he is.” Leaning her head against his biceps, she let her wing overlap his, the energy that danced between them a familiar caress by now. “I have to be more careful where I put myself if they’ve begun to target me.”

It had happened in the last battle, too, but this time around Lijuan had appeared so obsessed with Raphael that the entire army had forgotten Elena. Too bad the memory lapse hadn’t lasted. “I don’t want to put our troops in danger. I could—”

A door banged behind them, Dmitri running out. “Titus is wounded,” he said, a phone held to his ear.

Elena’s entire body tensed.

“How bad?” Raphael asked at the same time.

A pause while Dmitri listened to the person on the other end of the line. “He’s not incapacitated but he’s down for at least a day.” Another pause. “Charisemnon is also down. Titus wounded him at the same time he was wounded.”

Exhaling on a shudder, Elena leaned forward with her hands on her knees.

“Good,” Dmitri said curtly, putting away the phone. “Tzadiq says Titus caused massive quakes through Charisemnon’s territory, including one that collapsed land under a significant percentage of Charisemnon’s ground troops. Injured as he is, Charisemnon won’t be able to make much headway while Titus is down.”

Tzadiq, Elena remembered as she rose back to her full height, was Titus’s second—and Galen’s father.

Dmitri’s T-shirt pulled against his pectorals as he put his hands on his hips. “I finally managed to get an update on Astaad and Aegaeon. Copyright 2016 - 2024