Apple of My Eye (Tiger's Eye Mystery #7) - Alyssa Day Page 0,51

to call, Tess. Maybe let's at least give him the benefit of the doubt."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're just saying that because he's in the Air Force. You military types stick together. I want to meet them and interrogate—interview—them to find out if we can even trust them with Shelley."

"Agreed," Uncle Mike said. "We do have legal custody, thanks to your P-Ops buddy, so it's not like he can just take her. We're having them over for dinner Saturday night, and we'll see what's what then."

"I don't like it," I grumbled, but Shelley came racing back inside then, so I forced a smile.

"When can we go to Atlantis? My history club will be so jealous! Can we do a field trip?"

Jack grinned at her. "Slow down, sweet pea. We'll see about the field trip. But we'd have to travel the conventional way for that."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Trying to get permission slips for a magic portal would be a no-go, even in Dead End."

After that, we wrapped things up. Jack and I had work the next day and Shelley had school. Not to mention that I was completely exhausted from the margarita hangover. Jack washed the glasses and Shelley dried them, chattering away about London and Atlantis the whole time.

Uncle Mike and I walked out on the porch and sat down on the swing while we waited.

"Hard to top a first date in Atlantis," he said. "Even the Orlando Museum of Dental History would have a hard time living up to that."

I elbowed him—gently—and then leaned my head on his shoulder, like I'd done so many times during my childhood. Uncle Mike had been my rock during many real and imagined emotional crises, but I was an adult now, and I needed to figure some things out for myself.

"That boy is in love with you, Tess," he said quietly, taking my hand in his.

I sat up so fast I felt dizzy. "No, he's not. It was only our first date."

"At least be honest with yourself. You two have been through more together than most people who've been together for twenty years. I can see it every time he looks at you."

"I… I don't know what to say to that." I swallowed, hard, feeling a little panicked. It was way too early to talk about love.

"If you love him, too—and I think you might already be there—you're going to have to accept the obligations he has to his past. A man like that won't be content to stay in Dead End all the time. Are you willing to live with that?"

I laughed a little. "Well, hey. It's only Tuesday, and I've already been to Atlantis this week. Tess Callahan, adventurer and world traveler."

Aunt Ruby and Shelley walked out before I found a better answer, and I stood and hugged them both.

"I'm so glad you came over, punkin," I told Shelley, giving in to the urge to hug her again. "We'll have a great time this weekend at the festival."

"Aunt Ruby told me you're going to be the swamp cabbage! That's so cool!"

"Aunt Ruby is an evil, evil woman," I told my sister. "Never, ever trust her when she walks up to you and says 'here's the deal,' okay?"

"Tess! Behave!" Aunt Ruby took Shelley's hand and they walked out to the car.

Behind me, the door opened again and Jack walked out, wiping his hands on a dish towel. He aimed a steady look at Uncle Mike.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for Tess, sir. Up to and including staying in Dead End."

Uncle Mike raised an eyebrow and then sighed. "Damn tiger hearing. Well, people who eavesdrop aren't always going to hear flattering things. And when people from your past call and that puts you in danger?"

It was past time for me to jump into this conversation. I reached out and took Jack's hand. "Then we'll deal with that as it comes up. Jack wouldn't be the man he is if he could ignore people who needed him, and you're just the same, Uncle Mike. Don't pretend you're not."

Jack flashed a very wicked grin at my uncle. "Just wait till you hear what I have in mind for our second date."

Uncle Mike just shook his head. "I guess we'll see."

When they drove off I glanced up at Jack, suddenly feeling shy. "He likes you. He really does. He's just overprotective."

Jack pulled me closer for a hug. "I understand that completely. I'm fairly overprotective about you, myself."

"About that second date," I hinted, but he just Copyright 2016 - 2024