The Apocalypse Watch Page 0,95

instructions. The Sacr& Coeur was out and the fountains at the Bois de Boulogne in; the French non eliminated the first, the double oui-yes confirmed the second. The rest was merely "fill" to emphasize "Harry" Latham's insistence on remaining in Paris.

Whom he was to meet at the Bois, he had no way of knowing, but he would obviously recognize whoever it was, or if he did not, someone would reach him.

At the end of his shift, the Brotherhood's informer in Communications at the embassy had walked out into the Gabriel, waited, then suddenly crossed the avenue, brushing up against a man on a motorcycle. He slipped the cartridge to the cyclist and the motorcycle shot away down the street, weaving between the traffic. Twenty-six minutes later, at precisely 4:37 in the afternoon, the tape was delivered to the assassins' hidden headquarters at the Avignon Warehouses.

Holding a 5-inch-by-6-inch photograph of Alexander Lassiter/Harry Latham, the Blitzkrieger's Zero One, Paris, for a third time listened to the tape recording of the telephone conversation between Latham and the De Vries woman.

"It would seem our search has ended," said Zero One, standing above the table and reaching down to shut off the cassette player.

"Who will go to the Sacr&Coeur?" he asked, addressing his colleagues around the conference table.

As one, they all raised their hands.

"Four of you will be sufficient, more could be obvious," continued the leader.

"Split up and carry the photograph with you, remembering that Latham will no doubt disguise his appearance."

"What can he do?" asked the Blitzkrieger nearest Zero One.

"Put on a mustache and wear a beard? We know his height, the nature of his build, and his facial structure. Ultimately, he will reach a courier who will be waiting for him, a stationary man or woman we'll certainly spot within the contact area."

"Don't be so optimistic, Zero Six," said the young leader.

"Bear in mind that Harry Latham is an experienced deep-cover agent. As we have tricks, so does he. And for God's sake, remember the kill must be made through the head, a coup de grace shattering the left side of his skull. Don't ask me why, just don't forget it."

"If you have such serious doubts about us," interjected an older Blitzkrieger at the far end of the table, his tone of voice in the zone of implied hostility, "why don't you go yourself ? "

"Instructions from Bonn," answered Zero One coolly.

"I'm to remain here for orders that will arrive at ten o'clock. Would any of you care to take my place in the event we have not found Harry Latham and must deliver the news?"



"Of course not." These were the responses of those around the table, some chuckling, others grim.

"However, I will cover the Bois de Boulogne."

"Why?" asked Zero Seven.

"It's canceled; you heard the tape."

"Again, I ask you, would any of you not care to cover the Boulogne in the event that an emphatic negative was the signal for a positive, or that plans were changed again?"

"You have a point," said Zero Seven.

"Probably a useless one," conceded the youthful leader.

"Nevertheless, it will take me no more, than fifteen or twenty minutes, then I'll drive back and be here by ten o'clock. If I were in Sacr&Coeur, I'd never make it on time."

The unit for the Sacro-Coeur selected, Zero One, Paris, returned to his office and sat down at his desk. He was a relieved man, for his mythical instructions from Bonn had not been questioned, nor had anyone insisted that, as their superior, he should lead the assault on Harry Latham and let someone else take the call from Bonn. In truth, he wanted no part of the kill for the simple reason that it might not be successful. Any number of unforeseen contINgencies could prevent it, and Zero One, Paris, could not afford another "miss" on his record, like the driver who had been no match for the late Drew Latham, or the unit sent to take out two Americans, which had missed the vital one and then disappeared, or their female comrade who had not survived Monte Carlo. Should Alexander Lassiter/Harry Latham be properly executed, shattered skull included, he could take the credit, for he had orchestrated the assault. If the trap failed, he wasn't there; others were to be blamed.

For Paris's Zero One understood what the others did not; as their leader he was to carry out the orders. If a Blitzkrieger failed once, he was severely reprimanded; if he failed twice, he was shot, another in training given Copyright 2016 - 2024