The Apocalypse Watch Page 0,298

You said you liked mountains."

""I do. Look up there, they're so grand, so breathtaking! "

"Then, come on, mountain lover, we're almost there."


"Well, you see," said Drew as they walked left around the dirt curve, "I have a friend in Fort Collins who told me about this place.

"Nails' is really rich-we called him Nails in college 'cause he could nail down anything, from a date to a deal and he said it was the only acreage left, if I could come up with the price. Then, also very much like Nails, he added that he could help me if it was a problem."

"What does he do?"

"I don't think anyone really knows. He has a bunch of computers and deals in stocks and bonds and commodities, those kinds of things. But the proudest moment came when I said to him, "It's no problem, Nails. If I like it, I'll buy it."

"What did he say?"

"On a government salary, buddy?" And I said, "No, old buddy, I've put a lot of my per die ms into the European markets, and he said, "Let's have lunch, or dinner, or stay at my place for as long as you like."

"You're shameless, Drew Latham!" They rounded the bend in the road, and what lay before them caused Karin to flush with astonishment. It was a huge, pristine bluegreen lake, several white sails skimming the water, and in the distance a number of exquisitely designed houses with protruding docks below their manicured lawns. Above, glistening in the sunlight, were the receding mountains, like heavenly fortresses protecting a beautiful earthly enclave. And to their right was a large expanse of lakefront fields, uninhabited, filled with high grass and wildflowers.

"There you are, lady, that's our house. Can't you see it? A couple of miles over there is the southwest entrance to the Rocky Mountain National Park."

"Oh, my darling, I can't believe it!"

"Believe, it's there. It's ours, And in a year the house will be there-after you approve the plans, of course. Nails got me the finest architect in Colorado."

"But, Drew," laughed Karin, racing down the hill of grass toward the water's edge and the stream that bordered the property.

"It will take so long, what are we going to do?"

"I was thinking of pitching a pretty big tent, like squatters, but it wouldn't work!" yelled Latham, catching up with her.

"Why not? I'd love it!"

"No, you wouldn't," said Drew, breathless, holding her by the shoulders.

"Guess who's flying out to oversee the initial construction because the chlopak isn't capable?"

"The colonel?"

"Right on, lady."

"He, too, loves you very much."

"I think you've got an edge in that department. He was granted his full pension, but he hasn't anywhere else to go. His children are grown, with kids of their own, and after a few days with them, he's at a loss. He's got to keep moving, Karin. Let him stay with us for a while until he has to move again, okay?"

"I could never say no."

"Thank you. Nails rented us a house about ten miles down Route 34, and I've agreed to fly to Washington for five days a month, no more than that. Only consultation, no field duty."

"Are you sure of that? Can you live with that?"

"Yes, because I've done my best and I have nothing else to prove-to Harry or anybody."

"What will we do? You're a young man, Drew, and I'm younger than you. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. First, we build our house, which will take a couple of years, actually, and then-well, then we'll have to think about things."

"Are you really going to resign from Consular Operations?"

"That's up to Sorenson. Outside of five days a month, I'm on leave until March of next year."

"Then you haven't made up your mind. It's not Sorenson's decision; it's yours."

"Wesley understands. He's been where I've been and he quit."

"Where is that?" asked Karin softly, holding Latham, her face against his chest.

"I'm not sure," replied Drew,.his arms around her.

"Thanks to Beth's genes, I'm a pretty big guy and relatively capable of taking care of myself, but I _also learned something over the past three months, and you're part of it, a major part.. .. I don't like being afraid for both of us around the clock. To tell you the truth, I really don't like guns, although they've saved our lives more than once. I'm sick of the dictum Kill or be killed. I don't care to play anymore, and I sure as hell don't want you to

"It was war, my darling, you said that yourself and you were right. But for us it's over, we're going to live like normal human beings. Also, I can't wait to see Stanley!"

As if on a perfect cue, an agitated figure appeared on the dirt road above.

"Son of a bitch!" 'roared Colonel Stanley Witkowski, perspiring and out of breath.

"The damned taxi refused to come up here! .. . Nice terrain, not bad. Already I've got some ideas-lots of glass and wood. Also, cblopak, Wcs Sorenson phoned me. We're a pretty good team, the three of us, and there's a situation he thought we might find interesting under your new arrangement with Cons-Op."

"Nothing changes," said Latham, still holding Karin.. .

Forget it, Colonel!"

"He was thinking of you, young fella, we both were," continued Witkowski, walking down the hill of grass, wiping his forehead.

"You're too young to retire, you've got to work, and what the hell else do you know? I'd say the hockey rink's pretty much out of the question; you've been away too long."

"I said forget it."

"I'm flying back with you next week and Wesley will lay it all out.

It sounds like a piece of cake, damn fine per die ms and contingency funds, and we can all take turns coming back to check on the construction here."

"The answer is no, Stanley!"

"We'll talk.. .. My dear Karin, you look wonderful."

"Thank you," said De Vries, embracing the colonel.

"You look a bit tired." '

"It's a hell of a walk.3'

"No, no, no!"

"We'll just talk, cb1opak.. .. Now, let's survey the grounds." Copyright 2016 - 2024