The Apocalypse Watch Page 0,224

and get a hamburger."

"Drew," began Karin, letting the moment pass, "have you reached your parents to tell them the truth about you and Harry?"

"Not yet, it's not the time."

"That's terribly cruel. You're their surviving child and you were with him when he was killed. You can't overlook them- they must be heartbroken."

"Beth I could trust, not my father. Let's say he's pretty outspoken and not too fond of the authorities. He's spent his life fighting campus politics and various countries' restrictions on archeological explorations. It's not unlike him to demand an accountability, and I can't give him [email protected]

"He sounds not unlike his two sons, I'd suggest."

"Maybe. That's why the time isn't right." The doorbell of the ambassador's living quarters rang. Instantly, a steward came out of the upstairs kitchen.

"We're expecting Colonel Witkowski," said Latham.

"Let him in, please."

"Yes, sir."

Twelve seconds later the embassy's head of security walked into the dining room, his eyes disapproving as he glanced around the table.

"What the hell is this?" he asked curtly.

"You guys suddenly part of the diplomatic crowd?"

"I, personally, am representing the nation of Oz," replied Drew, grinning.

"If the candlelight is too bright, we'll have the Munchkin slaves extinguish a few."

"Pay no attention to him, Stanley," said Karin, "he's had three glasses of wine. If you'd like something, I'm sure we can get it for you."

"No, thanks." Witkowski sat down.

"I had a damn good steak sent up to my office while waiting for Moreau to come through."

"Too much cholesterol," said Latham.

"Haven't you heard about that?"

"Not recently, but I've heard from Moreau."

"What's he got?" asked Drew, abruptly serious.

"This Vaultherin is relatively clean on the surface, but there are questions. He's made a fortune out of the new construction around Paris, making a lot of his investors very rich too."

"So? Others have done the same."

"But none with the same background. He's a young, arrogant buccaneer in financial circles."

"Again, what's new?" - "His grandfather was a member of the Milice-"

"The what .. . ?"

"The French pro-Nazi police during the war," answered Karin, "formed under the Germans as a counterpart to the Resistance.

They were middle-level henchmen without whom' the Nazis couldn't control the occupied country. They were filth."

"What's the bottom line, Stanley?"

"Vaultherin's major investors come from, Germany. They're buying up everything they can purchase."

"What about the Loire Valley?"

"They damn near own it, at least large chunks along the river."

"Have you got a breakdown of the properties?"

"Yes, I have," said the colonel, removing a folded piece of paper from his inside jacket pocket and handing it to Drew.

"I'm not sure what they can tell us, most are owned by families that go back for generations. Those that aren't are either government appropriated because nobody paid the taxes, and therefore they've become landmarks, or they were recently bought by movie stars and other celebri ties until their accountants told them what they were costing.

Most of those are up for sale."

"Are there any generals on the list?"

"As you can see, fifteen or twenty by name, but that's only because they purchased their plots of five or six acres and pay taxes on them. There are at least a dozen others, generals and admirals, who've been awarded 'domiciles for life' due to their military contributions to the Republic of France."

"That's wild."

"We do the same, chlopak. We've got a few thousand top brass living in fancy houses within the perimeters of military bases after their retirements. It's not unusual, or even unfair if you think about it. They spend their lives making a fraction of what they could in the private sector, and if they aren't headline makers sought by various boards of directors, they couldn't afford to live in Scarsdale, New York."

"I never thought of it that way."

"Try, Officer Latham. I'll complete my thirty-five years eighteen months from now, and while I can give my children and grandchildren a hell of a time in Paris, if you think one of my kids could come to me and borrow fifty thousand bucks for an operation, forget it. Sure, I'd do it, but I'd be wiped out."

"Okay, Stanley, I see where you're coming from," said Latham, studying the list.

"Tell me, Stosh, these landmark acquisitions, why aren't the inhabitants named?"

"Quai d'Orsay regulations. Same as in our country. There are crazies out there who hold grudges against commanders.

Remember the Vietnam vet who tried to kill Westmoreland by firing through a window?"

"Can we get those names?"

"Moreau probably can."

"Have him do that."

"I'll call him in the morning.. .. Now, can we talk about the operation we've been given' namely Copyright 2016 - 2024