The Apocalypse Watch Page 0,22

said Traupman, shaking hands.

"But then, I hear you're an exceptionally good patient."

"I don't think I had a choice."

"Forgive the mask, Herr .. . Lassiter. I have a slight cold and the resident surgeon is a stickler, as you Americans say."

"I can say it in German, if you like."

"Actually, I like to practice my English. Congratulations on your recovery."

"Well, I'll give Dr. Kroeger some credit."

"I'm curious, from a medical point of view. If it's not too difficult for you, what do you recall when you reached the flatland of our valley?"

"Oh." Latham/Lassiter paused briefly while his eyes were momentarily glazed, unfocused.

"You mean the accident.. .. Oh, Christ, it was terrible. A lot of it's a blur, but the first thing I remember is the shouting; it was hysterical. Then I realized that I was stuck under the side of that truck, and a heavy piece of metal was pressed against my head-I've never felt such pain. And people were all around, trying to lift whatever it was off me-finally freeing me, and dragging me across the grass, where I screamed because I saw the fires, felt the heat, and thought my whole face was going to be burned. That's when I passed out-for a hell of a long time, as it happened."

"A terrifying experience. But you're on your way to full health, Mr. Lassiter, that's all that matters."

"If in the new Germany you can find a way to get Gerhardt a mansion on the Danube, I'll pay for it." Latham's eyes were now totally clear, completely focused.

"You've done enough for us, Alex," said Kroeger, nodding at Traupman.

"Dr. Schmidt here merely wanted to "Say hello to our generous benefactor, and to make sure I performed as he taught me to.. .. Take your walk anytime you like-after you've finished figuring out how to extract many more millions from Asia."

"It's not that difficult, believe me. The Far East doesn't merely like money, it worships it. When you decide I'm ready to leave, Gerhardt, the Brotherhood will be richer for it."

"You are forever in our Teutonic prayers, Alex."

"Forget the prayers, just bring about the Fourth Reich."

"We shall."

"Good day, Herr Lassiter."

Traupman and Kroeger left and walked up the corridor to the pristine anteroom.

"You were right," said the doctor from Nuremberg, sitting down.

"It is remarkable!"

"You approve, then?"

"How could I not? Even to the pause in his voice, his clouded eyes. Perfect. You have done it!"

"Remember, Hans, it is flawed, I cannot be dishonest about that.

Conditions remaining stable in their abnormality, I can guarantee but five to eight days longer, no more than that."

"But you say London, Paris, and Washington insist it is sufficient, no?"


"Now, tell me about this nonexistence of the valley. It's shock. Why?"

"We're no longer needed. We're dispersing. Over the past years we've indoctrinated-trained-more than twenty thousand disciples-"

"You like that word, don't you ?" Traupman broke in.

"It fits. They're not only true believers, they are also leaders, both minor and potentially major.. .. They've been sent everywhere, mostly throughout Germany, but those gifted in foreign languages and with appropriate skills, to other countries, all financed, ready to take their places in carefully selected professions and occupations."

"We've progressed so far? I had no idea."

"Then in your haste you didn't notice that we have far fewer people here now. The evacuation began weeks ago, our two mountain vehicles operating night and day to remove personnel and equipment. It's been like a colony of ants deserting one hill for another-our destination and our destiny-the new Germany."

"About the American, this Harry Latham. Beyond staying in contact to learn what he learns, which probably could be accomplished with paid informers, what's his' function? Or is that it? That and proving your theory for future use."

"What we learn from him will have value, of course, and will require the use of a miniaturized electronic computer at close range. It can be easily concealed in a small object. But Harry Latham has a far higher calling. If you remember, I mentioned that he will send our enemies scurrying off in different directions. That, however, barely scratches the surface."

"You're practically salivating, Gerhardt. Tell me."

"Latham said he was working on figures, numbers as they pertain to his making millions from the Chinese economic expansion, yes?"

"He's probably right."

"Wrong, Hans. Those figures have nothing to do with finance.

They're codes he's devised so he'll forget nothing after he escapes."


"Naturally. He has a 'job to do, and he's a professional. Of course, we'll let him."

"For God's sake, be clearer!"

"During his weeks here, in our sessions and over, Copyright 2016 - 2024