The Apocalypse Watch Page 0,175

uniformed, others in outrageous apparel-clowns, half-naked sword swallowers, dwarfs, and tiger skinned Africans---converged on the violated structure with the aggressiveness of a Mongol assault. Jacques fled the scene, gesturing to his companions to evacuate! They did so, running as fast as they could.

"What happened?" shouted Latham once they were in the Deuxieme vehicle and speeding away.

"Beyond the tumblers, which were easy to penetrate," answered the breathless Jacques, "there had to be an electronic scanner that determined the weight and the density of the instrument that caused the tumblers to fall into place."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"You find it every day with the newest automobiles, monsieur.

The small black chip in the ignition key; without it you cannot start the motor. In the most expensive cars, if you try sirens will go off."

"So much for your outhouse, Claude."

"What can I say? I was wrong, but it told us something, did it not? Le Pare de Joie is every bit the vital Briiderschaft drop we believed it was."

"But now they know it's been penetrated."

"Not so, Drew. We have backups for such emergencies, in cooperation with the police and the Soret!"


"There are scores of felons every week, many first-time offenders whose distressed circumstances called for their actions but who are basically decent human beings. jean Valjean in Les Misirables is the perfect example."

"Christ, you talk too much. What are you trying to say?"

"We have lists of such would-be criminals serving mandatory sentences of, say, six months to a year. In exchange for taking the blame for one more felony-such as attempting to rob an amusement park-their sentences are reduced and in some cases their records expunged."

"Shall I get to work on it?" asked Jacques from the front seat, reaching for the car phone.

"Please do." As his subordinate officer dialed and began speaking, Moreau explained.

"Within fifteen or twenty minutes the police will call the park's security, stating that they caught a car racing away and the two men inside were known burglars. Is the scenario clear?"

"I think so. Naturally, they'll ask if there was a robbery and, if so, what was stolen, and is there anyone who might identify the perpetrators?"

"Precisely. Adding, of course, that the police, in their gratitude for any witnesses, would be happy to drive them to and from the station where the prisoners are being held. "

"Said invitation rapidly declined," added Latham, nodding his head in the rushing, darkening shadows of the backseat.

"Not always, mon ami," contradicted Moreau.

"Which is why we must have our false culprits. Every now and then the objects of our disaffections are too curious, too nervous about their own situations, and accept the invitation. However, they invariably have the same request demand actually."

"Let me guess," said Drew.

"They'll go to the lineup on the condition that they can see the suspects but the suspects can't see them."

"As I've mentioned, you're very astute."

"If I couldn't figure that one out, I should have retired the day I finished training. But the concept of-what did you call them?-'false culprits' is a beaut. For God's sake, don't leak the idea to Washington, the "Gates' will multiply. Watergate and Iran-gate will be Puppy Chow compared to CIA gate and State-gate. The real heavies will figure out they can put in doubles for themselves, including the President himself."

"Frankly, we over here could not understand why they didn't.

"Keep that speculation to yourselves, we've got enough troubles."

"Claude," interrupted Jacques, turning around in the seat.

"You'll like this. Our perpetrators are a couple of underpaid bookkeepers who tried to rob a butcher chain that was selling poor meat at premium prices."

"Their premise was correct: Steal from thieves."

"Unfortunately, the thieves altered their supplies overnight and our bookkeepers were caught on videotape opening a safe."

"They were hardly suited to their new endeavors."

"The gendarmes were happy to oblige. The chief of detectives has been buying meat from the chain for years."

"His taste buds weren't very acute. When will they activate?"

"As we speak."

"Bien. Drop off Monsieur Latham at the Normandie and me at the office. Then, for God's sake, have Franqois go home."

"It is no problem for me to stay with you, Monsieur Director," said the driver.

"In case there is an emergency."

"No, Franqois, you will not avoid your domestic responsibilities.

Your lovely wife would never forgive you." I "It's not her forgiveness that concerns me, sir. Children are far more brutal."

"I lived through it and so can you. It builds character."

"You're all heart," said Drew quietly into Moreau's ear.

"What are you going to do at the office?"

"Follow up on this afternoon, tonight. Copyright 2016 - 2024