The Apocalypse Watch Page 0,154

You see, by extension his presence is here.

Parked at the curb in front is an unmarked American embassy car.

The driver will remain behind the wheel, and his two marine companions in civilian clothes are roaming among the strollers beyond our garden wall."

"He's running a test, then," said De Vries, making a statement, not posing a question.

"Exactly. It is why our mutual friend here is still posing as a soldier, a most contradictory role. Witkowski wants to make certain that there are no other leaks, but if there are, he intends to take a prisoner and learn the source."

"That would be Stanley," Latham again agreed.

"The only chance he's taking is with my life."

"You're perfectly safe," said the Deuxieme chief.

"I have the utmost regard for your aggressive marines.. .. Karin," he added, seeing her bandaged hand, "your hand .. the colonel told me you'd been wounded. I'm so sorry! "

"It's healing well, thank you, and later a small prosthesis will complete the cosmetics. I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow, after which I shall be wearing a fashionable pair of gloves, I expect."

"A [email protected] vehicle is at your disposal, of course."

"Stosh already made the arrangements," said Drew.

"I insisted on that because I want everything on the embassy record. I'll be damned if she pays a sou for her medical bills. "

"My darling, it doesn't matter-"

"It does to me!"

"Ah, 'mon chou." So that's the way it is. I'm so happy for both of you."

"It slipped out, monsieur. je regretter"

"Do not, please. Despite my profession, I'm a from antique au coeur. Also, Colonel Witkowski did mention, most confidentially, a possible liaison between you. It's far better not to be alone in these situations, loneliness is a terrible detriment when under stress."

"Well said, monsieur .. . mon ami, Claude."

"Merci. "

"One question," interrupted Latham.

"I can understand Stanley's not being here, but what about you? Aren't you pretty well known in Paris?"

"Hardly at all," replied Moreau.

"My photograph has never appeared in the newspapers or on television-that is the policy of the [email protected] Bureau. Even my office door does not have a Le Directeur sign on the glass. I am not saying that our enemies do not have snapshots of me, they obviously do, but my presence is not significant. I am neither a tall man nor do I dress extravagantly, I'm really quite ordinary. As you Americans say, I hardly stand out in a crowd, and I have a large collection of hats; witness the idiotic cap I'm wearing. They're all I need."

"Except in the case of your enemies," said Drew.

"That is a risk we all take, is it not, my friend? And now let me bring you up to the moment. As you may or may not know, Ambassador Courtland will be on the Concorde for Washington tomorrow morning-"

"Sorenson said he was bringing him back for thirty-six hours," Drew broke in, "the explanation being some trumped-up State Department business that State doesn't know about."

"Precisely. In the meantime, Mrs. Courtland is under our surveillance; believe me, it's absolute. Every move-she makes outside the embassy will be watched, and even within the embassy every telephone number she calls will be instantly transmitted to my office, courtesy of the colonel-"

"You can't tap her conversations?" interrupted Latham.

"The risk is too great, there isn't time to reprogram the phones.

She's undoubtedly aware of such tactics and will run tests of her own. Should she confirm an intercept, she will know she's under surveillance."

"In the same way you confirmed that my own telephone was compromised, Drew."

"The meetings at specific locations." Latham nodded.

"All right, you've got her under a scope. Suppose nothing happens."

"Then nothing happens," said Moreau.

"But that would strike me as most unusual. Remember, beneath her charming exterior there is a zealot, a trained believer in a fanatical cause. Here she is, an hour from the borders of the holy Reich of her passions, and she has risen so high in her life's work, her ego will demand a certain satisfaction. Acclamation says it better, for the Sormenkinder must have extraordinary egos. The temptation will be equally extraordinary. In my judgment, with the ambassador away, she'll make a move and we'll learn something more."

"I hope you're right." Latham frowned as a waiter approached the table carrying glasses and two bottles of wine on a tray.

"The owner here always brings me his newest acquisitions of wine for my approval," interjected the chief of the [email protected] Bureau quietly as the waiter uncorked the bottles.

"If you'd prefer something else, please tell me."

"No, that's fine." Drew glanced at Karin, Copyright 2016 - 2024