The Apocalypse Watch Page 0,121

exhaustion dictated that Latham stay in De Vries's apartment rather than drive out to the Antinayous' sterile house actually the Antinayous' insisted upon it in the event the target was still being followed. After several days without any untoward occurrence, they would reconsider, but only reconsider.

"He has involved himself in things too public for our purposes," had said an abrupt woman at the Maison Rouge.

"We admire him, but we cannot tolerate the remotest possibility of being discovered."

As to Karin staying at the embassy, there simply was no point.

As a member of classified D and R who resided outside the embassy, her address was filed only in Security, and anyone requesting it had to be cleared by the colonel himself. Several male at tachs had; they were refused. Added to which, the widow De Vries had once shared a piece of information that greatly relieved him.

"I'm not a poor woman, Colonel. I have three automobiles here in Paris in different garages. I change appearances with each change of vehicle."

"That takes a load off my mind," said Witkowski.

"Considering the information in your head, it's damned smart thinking."

"It wasn't mine, sit. General Raichert, the supreme commander of NATO, ordered it in The Hague. There the Americans paid for it, but the circumstances were different. I don't expect it here."

"You must not be poor."

"I'm committed to what I do, Colonel. The money's not important."

That conversation had taken place over four months before, and Witkowski then had no idea how "committed" the new arrival was.

He had no doubts now. The telephone on his private line rang, interrupting the colonel's reverie.


"It's your wandering angel, Stanley," said Drew.

"Any word from House Red?"

"There's no room at the inn, at least not for a while. The fact that you're a mark has them worried."

"I'm wearing a uniform, your uniform, for Christ's sake! By the way, you're a tad bigger in the waist and the ass than I am. The tunic's fine, however."

"I'm greatly relieved; it'll cover the imperfections when the fashion photographers take your picture.. .. You could be disguised by that actor, Villier, and they'd still want you to stay away."

"I guess I can't really blame them."

"I don't," agreed the colonel.

"Will Karin put up with you another day or two until I can find proper lodgings?"

"I don't know, ask her." Latham's voice became fainter as he held the phone away from his face.

"It's Witkowski. He wants to know if my lease is up."

"Hello, Colonel," said Karin.

"I gather the Antinayous are balking."

"I'm afraid so."

"It's understandable."

"Yes, it is, but I haven't come up with a suitable alternative. Can you stand him for another day, perhaps two? I'll arrange something by then."

"It's not a problem. He tells me he made his bed this morning."

"Hell yes," Drew's voice was heard in the background.

"I'm back in Boy Scout camp with lots of cold showers!"

"Pay no attention to him, Colonel. I believe I mentioned he can be quite childish."

"He wasn't at the Trocadero or the Meurice or the Bois de Boulogne, Karin. Even I'll give him that."

"Agreed," said De Vries, "but if you have difficulties, there's a possible solution, at least it worked several times in Amsterdam.

Freddie would put on one of several uniforms-American, Dutch, English, it didn't matter-and register at the Amstel for confidential meetings."

"One of his well-known tricks, then?" asked a wary Witkowski.

"A benign one, Colonel. As Drew told you, your uniform fits him quite well, and I can easily sew tucks in the waist and other places-"

"I'm painfully aware of that other place.. .. What then; he's still Latham?"

"With a slight altering of appearance, certainly less so."

"I beg your pardon?"

"A change of hair color," she replied, speaking softly, It especially around the temples, where it's obvious below his officer's cap, and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses, plain lenses of course, and a false military ID. I can do the hair and supply the glasses if you'll furnish an identification card. He could then register at any crowded hotel, which I'm sure you can arrange."

"This is hardly in the embassy's purview, Karin."

"From what I understand of Consular Operations, I submit it's within its range of operations."

"You've got me there, I guess. You must really want him out."

"It's not the person, Colonel, it's the fact that he's a man, seen here only as an American army officer. I doubt that anyone in the building knows that I work for the embassy, but if anyone does or suspects that I do, it compromises Drew, myself, and our objectives."

"In simple words, your residence could become Copyright 2016 - 2024