Anzil (Gladiators of Krix #2) - Miranda Martin Page 0,38

Domina says, panting.

“Yes,” Dominus exclaims, driving his cock deep into the slave. His back arches and his eyes roll up, making it clear that he’s blowing his load.

Hate burns white hot through my veins, making my vision blur. Sooner or later, he’s going to get what’s coming to him. Domina cries out as he does, reaching her own climax. I stare at Cora, feeling sorrier for her than I have at anytime prior. She’s been working in this environment. Have they made her? No, they can’t have.

Dominus pulls his cock free of the girl’s mouth and throws his robe back in place. He looks at Anzil and I standing stiff and waiting orders.

“Why are you still here?” he asks.

“You have not told us to go,” Anzil says.

“Go! You should be training,” he says. “Train her hard.” He points at me. “And I don’t mean in the bedroom. I’m going to debut her at the games. I’ll hold the other human female back until we see how this one does. Make sure she’s ready.”

“Yes, Dominus,” Anzil says, gripping my arm and pulling me backwards with him.

I can’t take my eyes off Cora. I need to talk to her. If they’re using her like they do these other slaves… or any of my girls….

I won’t wait any longer if they are. There’s only so much I can stand.


“That fucking bastard,” Kiara mutters, storming around my room.

She jerks the blankets into place then grabs the pillow and punches it several times. I wait for her to finish letting her anger go before I say anything.

“You aren’t ready for the games,” I say.

“You think I’m not ready?” she asks, whirling around. The storm of her anger rages on her face. She stalks across the room until we’re inches apart. “I’ll show you ready.”

I don’t say anything at first, letting her have the anger. I remember when I was first bought and came here. I had that same fire. What happened to it? When did I lose that edge?

“Kiara,” I say at last when she takes her glare away, turning her focus to the far wall. “I understand, but we must be smart.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and hangs her head. The thick, tight curls of her dark hair fall around her face.

“Are they using my girls like that?” she asks, her voice hoarse.

It’s a punch to my guts. I know her well enough now to know she doesn’t want that to happen to any woman, but she’s responsible for the other humans. She’s grabbing what control she is able.

“I do not believe so,” I say. “Those females… it is what they do. It is how they survive. Many females are raised and trained for pleasure all their lives. It is not a dishonorable position.”

She spins around. “There is no honor for any woman to be used.”

“No,” I say, dropping my head. “You are right.”

I want to say more, but the thoughts and feelings in my head are too big for words. I’ve lost myself. I don’t know if my honor died when my family and Tribe did or if that came later. It’s all the past, where I’ve refused to look for years.

She makes me look. She’s right to. She doesn’t flinch from the truth, and what kind of male am I that I’ve been hiding from it? I’ve never turned away from a fight. I’ve faced men and monsters in the arena without fear, yet I cannot look at how I got here?

“Yes, I’m right,” she says. “If either of them hurt one of my girls…”

She trails off, but no more words are necessary. Her intent is clear. I raise my arms out and hold them open, offering but not taking. She stares at them then into my eyes. Tears fall down her perfect cheeks, but I will not be presumptuous.

She shakes her head, opens her mouth, then snaps it shut. At last she rushes in, wrapping her arms around me. I hold her tight while she cries.

I open my mouth to say my thought, but I stop myself. Now is not the time. I won’t tell her. Yet the feelings, the idea, and the words consume my thoughts. With her in my arms, no matter what else is wrong in the world, I am complete. She fills a hole in my soul I didn’t know was there.

I’ll tell her. When the time is right. For now, it’s enough to think it and to give her what she needs.

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