Anzil (Gladiators of Krix #2) - Miranda Martin Page 0,17

eyes tight and growl. “Move it.”

I hear him step to the side before I open my eyes. When I do, he’s standing to one side, and I walk out of the bathroom. He steps inside, shutting the door behind himself. A crazy impulse hits me, and I step toward that thin door, but I stop mid-step.

Nope. This is not the time. No time for this, no time for this ache, no time for this desire. My duty is above personal desire. Jerking the blankets around, I straighten the bed to a semblance of order but can’t not glance when the door to the bathroom opens.

He’s wearing pants now, which helps immensely, but that enticing V is on full display, diving down to his impressive manhood. I suppose if I were to be interested in him, I should be glad he has what looks like a compatible unit. He is, after all, an alien. He could have had a ridged cock, or tentacles, or something else, for all I know.

“Kiara,” he says. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I say, punching the pillow. To fluff it, that’s all. Nope, I’m not using this as a distraction. “I’m fine.”

He watches with those burning eyes that make me feel like he’s trying to etch his name onto my soul. At last he gives me a slow nod then straightens his own blankets.

“Breakfast time,” he says, motioning to the door.

I walk ahead of him, but when I reach the door I pause, hand on the handle as a storm rages in my thoughts and in my lower belly.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “It’s not you.”

“Can I help?” he asks.

Help. Can he? Can I trust him? Is this all a play to get in my pants? It could be. I’ve known guys like that in the marines. It was all about the conquest. The game of achieving it was their thrill, superseding the sex. No, he’s not like that.

He wants to help. I believe that, but that doesn’t mean I can trust him, does it? Here on this alien planet where everything is different and wrong in so damn many ways, trust isn’t easy to give. I trusted my brother. I trusted in my training to defend the ship.

“No,” I say.

He grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face him. He towers over me, and his chest is twice as wide as my shoulders. I glare at him.

“Kiara,” he says. “You do not know how dangerous this is. You must let me help. Do not be foolish. You are strong, smart, capable, but you do not know this planet.”

“And you move too damn slow,” I exclaim.

A rumble sounds from deep in his chest, and he’s growling.

“I am trying to protect you,” he says.

“I do not need your protection,” I snap. “I need to save those girls then get my people the fuck out of here.”

“Kiara, Krix is the most dangerous planet in the galaxy. It is where those who have lost all hope end up. Those who are too wild or too dangerous, criminals, broken warriors—the dregs of the universe are all sent to Krix and its arenas.”

“All the more reason to hurry up,” I say. “My girls are none of those things. They’re innocents. They don’t deserve this fate. Don’t you understand? They’re my responsibility!”

He doesn’t say anything. His face is pinched, his eyes closed, and he sighs deeply.

“I do,” he says. “Widows’ help me, I do.”

“Then we have to move, now.”

“Promise me this,” he says. “Don’t do anything without talking to me first. Xyron is working an idea. Let it play out.”

“Fine,” I say. “But I won’t wait long. Getting out of this place is easy. I will find my girls.”


Watching her ass sway as she storms towards breakfast makes my stomach clench and my balls pull tight, and my mouth is so dry I could smooth wood with my tongue. She is sexy as hell, and I want her, more than I have ever wanted any female.

She is more than a tumble, though, no matter how attractive her form is. I want her in ways that I’ve never wanted any other female. Her mind is sharp, brilliant, and tactical. Her fighting skills are solid and getting better.

She grabs a plate of food, but instead of sitting at one of the communal tables, she walks out onto the training sands. I grab my food then join her. We eat in silence. She attacks her food like it in some way has defied her, tearing off chunks Copyright 2016 - 2024