Anti-Stepbrother - Tijan Page 0,102

grunted. “I usually get out then, but it takes me six months to get there. It’s been two weeks for you guys.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Being accountable to another person. That’s a big step, Summer.”

“I was with him when your mom called.” I cursed. That was none of his business either. Why was I explaining any of this to him?

“Oh.” The ends of his mouth dipped down in thought. “It’s still a big deal. So there is a you-and-Caden thing.” His head perked up like he’d caught me in a lie.

My blood was starting to boil. “That’s none of your business.”

“Fine.” He pulled his other leg under the desk too. “Then my fight with my mom is none of your business either.”

“She’s the one who asked me to check on you.”

“Oh yeah.” His voice softened, and he cursed. “Sorry. I’m being an asshole.”

I had a retort on the tip of my tongue, but no. I was being a good stepsister here. I swallowed it down and tried to smile. That was the whole point of this. Brother and sister. Family.

“So, are you okay?”

He let out a small breath, his hands moving to slide into his pockets. He leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out so he looked nice and comfortable. “Who knows? I want a relationship with my dad, and my mom’s claiming he doesn’t want to see me.”

“You don’t believe her?” My hand itched to text Caden. “That was before I fell in love with you.” My heart picked up its pace.

“I don’t know. Maybe. He’s a selfish prick too.” He flashed me a grin. “I get that from him, but what father wouldn’t want to see his kid?”

“What started the fight?” Why was I standing here? Caden was more pressing.

“I emailed him and then told her what I did. She flipped out.”

I forced something out that sounded interested. “Really?”

Caden had blown up my world. I had to concentrate on what Kevin was saying.

“I don’t know what all happened with them.” He sighed. “I think she’s afraid he’ll tell me, and I’ll get mad at her. Families hide the biggest shit. I think my family is somewhat normal. You’re the one not normal.”


He snorted, his grin upping a notch. “You had a family that loved each other. Your parents were happy, weren’t they?”

My parents? My mom… I felt a knife of pain burrowing inside of me, making its place again. I thought it was gone. I hadn’t felt it in weeks. It had been gone. Why was it back? I glanced down to my chest, as if I could see it.

“Yeah.” There’d been fights, just not that many.

“If your mom was still alive, your parents would still be together, probably.”

“Yeah.” I echoed. “Probably.”

My mom…

The hole suddenly doubled in size.

“If your mom was still alive.”

“Sorry.” He grimaced, shaking his head. “You get sad whenever your mom is mentioned.”

I gripped the ends of my shirt. “I see.” My voice was hoarse. A boulder sat on the top of my throat, blocking my airway.

That fucking hole. I began itching there, right next to my heart.

“Aw, shit.” He moved around in his seat again to face me. Leaning forward, his elbows rested on his knees. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Then why did you?”

He clapped his hands together, and the side of his mouth crinkled in. His eyes found me—those chocolate brown ones I always used to wish would look at me the way they were right now.

“My mom and dad hated each other most my life. I knew they were going to get a divorce, and I wanted it. The fighting would stop then, you know? But if I had my ultimate dream, they would’ve been like your parents. Love, happiness, normal amount of fights. That type of bullshit. I wish I had it.”

“I’m sorry?”

Kevin laughed, straightening in his chair. “Don’t worry about it. This is a Matthews thing. It’s not your problem. My mom shouldn’t have involved you.” He grew thoughtful, and the side of his mouth lifted. His right dimple showed, blinking at me. “Plus, you were probably busy with Caden, right?”

Was he kidding, or was that genuine? I wasn’t following at all. He ripped that hole back open. I frowned, remembering when the gnawing pain had first appeared. It had been before him. Before I met Sheila. Even before my mom died.

My mom. That hole was my mom.

Kevin stared, not saying a word. I felt like he was deciding what to say, and right then, Copyright 2016 - 2024