The Claiming Of Sleeping Beauty(58)

"She rose then and stood very close to me. She touched my eyes and my lips. 'All this belongs to me,' she said, 'and this,' and she touched the ni**les of my chest, which the kitchen boys had never spared, and she touched my belly and my navel. 'And this,' she said, 'this too, belongs to me,' and she held my penis in her hand, her long nails scratching at the tip of it gently. It gave off a little fluid then and she withdrew her hand and held my scrotum in her hands and claimed that as well. 'Spread your legs,' she said and turned me on the chain that held me. 'And this is mine,' she said, touching my anus.

"I heard myself answer her, 'Yes, your Highness.' She then told me she had punishments worse, for me than the kitchen should I ever try to escape her again, or rebel or in any way displease her. But for the time being, she would be more than pleased with me, she was certain, and she would work me hard as was her pleasure. She said I had great strength for her sport, which Prince Gerald had not, and she would test that strength to the limit.

"Each morning, she would spank me on the Bridle Path. At noon I would accompany her on walks in the garden. In the late afternoons, I would play games of fetch for her. In the evening I should be spanked for her amusement while she took supper. There were many positions for me to assume. She liked to see me opened wide in the squat, but there were even better attitudes in which she chose to study me. She squeezed my bu**ocks then and said these above all belonged to her, as it was her delight to punish these more than anything else. But to complete the day's regimen in the future, I should undress her for bed, and sleep in her chamber.

"To all this, I said 'Yes, your Highness.' I would have done anything to retain her favor. Now she said my bu**ocks would be subjected to the greatest tests to ascertain their limits.

"She had me unshackled, and drove me herself on the phallus rod through the garden and into the castle. We went into her chambers.

"I knew now she meant to place me over her lap and spank me as intimately as she had done with Prince Gerald. I was in a welter of anticipation. I didn't know how I should keep my penis from discharging its craving. But she had thought of this. She inspected me and said that the cup needed draining just now so that it might fill again. It was not that I was to be rewarded. Yet she sent for a magnificent little Princess. The girl at once took my organ in her mouth, and as soon as she began to suck it, my passion exploded in her. The Queen observed all this; she stroked my face and examined my eyes, and my lips, and then bid the Princess to awaken me again quickly.

"This was its own form of torture. But I was soon enough as unsatisfied as before, and ready for the Queen to begin her test of endurance. I was placed over her lap, just as I had suspected I might be.

"'You've been soundly spanked by Squire Felix,' she said. 'You've been well spanked by the stable boys and the cooks in the kitchen. Do you think a woman can spank as hard as a man?' I was weeping already. I cannot anatomize the emotion I felt. Perhaps you felt it when you were over her lap earlier tonight. Or when the Prince had laid you down in the same position. It is not worse than being slung over a Page's knee, or tied with your hands over your head, or even pressed flat to a bed or table. I cannot explain it. But one feels so much more helpless across the lap of the master or mistress."

Beauty nodded. It was very true. And she had felt it when laid over the Queen's lap. All her composure had left her.

"In this position alone all obedience and subjugation can be taught, I think," said Prince Alexi. "Well, so it was with me. I lay over her lap, my head dangling, my legs spread out behind me. She wanted them slightly apart, and of course I was to arch my back and keep my hands clasped in the small of my back just as you were instructed to do. I was to see that my penis did not touch the cloth of her gown, though with all my strength I wanted it to. And then she commenced her spanking. She showed me each paddle and told me its faults and virtues. Here was one that was light; it would sting; and it was fast. A heavier one, just as thin, caused more pain and must be used carefully.

"She commenced to spank quite forcefully. And as with you, she could massage my bu**ocks, and pinch them when she chose. But she was steady in her work. She spanked hard and long until I was soon in terrible pain, and feeling as helpless as ever I had felt in my life.

"It seemed I felt the shock of each blow disseminated through my limbs. My bu**ocks of course absorbed it first. They became the center of myself in their soreness and tenderness. But the pain passed through them and into me, and all I could do was quiver beneath each blow, shudder with each sound spank, and moan ever more louder but never with the slightest hint of asking for mercy.

"The Queen was quite delighted with this show of suffering. As I told you before, she had encouraged it. She often lifted my face and wiped away my tears and rewarded me with kisses. Sometimes she would have me kneel on the floor upright. She would inspect my penis and ask if it were not hers. I would say 'Yes, your Highness, all of me is yours. I am your obedient slave.' She praised this answer, and said I must not hesitate in giving her long, devoted answers.

"But she was quite determined. She picked up the paddle again quickly enough, pressed me down again on her lap, and commenced the loud and forceful spanking. I was soon moaning loudly behind my clenched teeth. I had no pride, none of that dignity you still display unless it was completely without my knowledge. Finally she said that my bu**ocks were now a perfect color.

"She hated having to punish me further she so admired the color she had achieved, but she must know my limits.

"'Are you sorry you were such a disobedient little Prince?' she asked me. 'Very sorry, your Highness,' I answered through my tears. But she continued with her spanking. I could not prevent tightening my bu**ocks and moving as if somehow it would lessen the pain, and I could hear her laughter as though this quite delighted her.

"I was sobbing as frantically as any young Princess when she at last finished, and forced me back on my knees, ordering me to come about and kneel facing her.

"She wiped my face, blotted my eyes, and gave me a generous kiss with a great deal of sweet flattery. I would be her valet, she said, the master of her wardrobe. I alone would dress her, and brush her hair, and otherwise attend her. I would have much to learn, but she would instruct me herself. I should be very pure.

"Of course, that night I thought I had endured the worst, the abuse of common soldiers on my way to the castle, the frightful abuse in the kitchen. I had been thoroughly humbled by a coarse stable boy, and was now her abject pleasure slave with a soul that belonged to her with all the parts of my body totally. But I was very foolish in this. Much worse was to come."

Prince Alexi paused and looked down at Beauty who lay with her head against his chest.

She struggled to conceal her feelings. She did not truly know what she felt except that the story had aroused her. She could envision each humiliation Alexi described, and though her fear was aroused, so was her passion.

"It has been much easier for me," she said meekly, but this is not what she wanted to say.

"I'm not sure that is true," said Alexi. "You see, after the rough treatment of the kitchen when I became something less than an animal to my captors, I was liberated at once into being the Queen's obedient slave. You have had no such immediate liberation," he said.

"And this is what is meant by yielding," she murmured. "And I must come to it through a different path."

"Unless...unless you do something to be vilely punished," said Alexi, "but that might take too much courage. And it might be unnecessary, for your dignity is being stripped away from you just a little already."

"I had no dignity tonight," Beauty protested.

"O yes, you did, you had a great deal of it," Alexi smiled. "But to continue, at this time, I had yielded only to my stable boy Lord and to the Queen. And once I was in her hands, I forgot my stable boy Lord completely. I was the Queen's property. I thought of my limbs, my bu**ocks, my penis, as hers. But I to truly yield, I had to experience much greater exposure and discipline..."

Chapter 19


I WON'T tell you the details of my training with the Queen, how I learned to be her valet, my struggles with her annoyance. All this you'll learn in your training with the Prince for in his love for you he intends to make you his maidservant clearly. But these things are nothing when one is devoted to the master or mistress.