The Claiming Of Sleeping Beauty(23)

"And Prince Alexi?" the Prince demanded. His color was high, his eyes had an almost evil glitter, and Beauty became frightened again.

"We're preparing him, your Highness," said Squire Felix.

"And why should this take so long? How long has he served in this house that he should be so lacking in respect?"

At once Prince Alexi was brought in.

Beauty tried not to admire him. He was naked as before, of course, she'd expected no less, and in the light of the fire she could see that his face was flushed, and his auburn hair hung loose in his eyes which were cast down as if he dared not lift them to the Prince. They were of about the same age, surely, and about the same height, but here stood the darker Prince Alexi quite helpless and humble before the Prince who was striding back and forth before the fire, his face cold and merciless and slightly agitated. Prince Alexi's organ was rigid. He held his hands behind his neck.

"So you were not ready for me!" the Prince whispered. He drew closer, inspecting Prince Alexi. He looked at the stiffened organ and then with his hand he gave it a rough slap, so that Prince Alexi flinched in spite of himself. "Perhaps you need a little training in being...always...ready," whispered the Prince. His words came slowly and with a deliberate courtesy.

He lifted Prince Alexi's chin and looked into his eyes. Beauty caught herself staring at them both without the slightest shyness.

"My apologies, your Highness," Prince Alexi said, and his voice was low in timbre, calm, without rebellion or shame.

The Prince's lips spread slowly in a smile. Prince Alexi's eyes were larger, and they possessed the same calm as the voice. It seemed to Beauty they might even drain away the Prince's anger but this was impossible.

The Prince stroked Prince Alexi's organ and gave it another playful slap, and then another.

The submissive Prince looked down again and there was nothing in him but the grace and dignity Beauty had witnessed before.

"I must behave like this," she thought. "I must have this manner, this strength, to bear it all with the same dignity." Yet she marveled. The captive Prince must at all times show his desire, his fascination, while she could conceal this craving between her legs, and she could not stop herself from wincing as she saw the Prince pinch the tiny hardened ni**les on Prince Alexi's chest, and then lift Prince Alexi's chin again to inspect his face.

Beyond them, Squire Felix watched all with obvious pleasure. He had folded his arms, his legs rather wide apart as he stood, and his eyes moved hungrily over Prince Alexi's body.

"How long have you been in the service of my mother?" the Prince demanded.

"Two years, your Highness," said the humble Prince softly. Beauty was quite astonished. Two years! It seemed to her all of her life before had not been so long, but she was more rapt with the sound of his voice than with the words. The voice made him seem more palpable and visible.

His body was a little thicker than that of the Prince, and the dark brown hair between his legs was beautiful. She could see the scrotum, no more than a shadow.

"You were sent here in Tribute by your father."

"As your mother demanded, your Highness."

"And to serve how many years?"

"As long as it pleases your Highness, and my mistress, the Queen," Prince Alexi answered.

"And you are what? Nineteen? And a model among the other Tributes?"

Prince Alexi blushed.

The Prince turned him towards Beauty with a rough blow on the shoulder, and steered him towards the bed.

Beauty drew herself up, feeling her face flushed warm.

"And the favorite of my mother?" the Prince demanded.

"Not tonight, your Highness," Prince Alexi said with the barest trace of a smile.

The Prince acknowledged this with a soft laugh. "No, you have not comported yourself very well today, have you?"

"I can only beg forgiveness, your Highness," said Prince Alexi.

"You can do more than that," said the Prince into his ear as he pushed him nearer to Beauty. "You can suffer for it. And you can give my Beauty a lesson in willingness and perfect submission."

Now the Prince turned his gaze on Beauty, scrutinizing her mercilessly. She looked down, terrified of displeasing him.