Angel's Rest - By Emily March Page 0,67

the situation. What they needed to do was spend time together among other people, but away from the prying eyes of Eternity Springs. They needed to do what all brides and grooms do—to a point. They should go on a honeymoon.

A honeymoon without sex. Oh, joy.

He shied from the thought but knew it was a good idea. Where would he take her? Somewhere fun but not romantic. It couldn’t be isolated. They needed to be around people. Somewhere warm. He could use a shot of sunshine about now, and he bet she could, too.

He could think of only one place that would fit the bill. As they approached her house, he asked, “What is your schedule like the rest of the week?”

“Light. Why?”

“Any animals in your clinic that need special care?”

“Not special care. Lori is a great vet tech, and she handles most everything. Why?”

“I want you to clear your calendar. We’re going to deal with this, put the awkwardness to bed once and for all.”

Her eyes rounded with wariness and surprise, then she whipped her head around to frown at him.

“The awkwardness,” he explained. “Not you and me. We’ll have separate rooms.”

“Separate rooms? What are you talking about?”

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Listen, Nic. For better or for worse, we got married today. We’re husband and wife, and now we need to find our way back to being friends. Do you agree with that assessment?”

She pursed her lips and thought a moment. “Yes.”

“Then let’s make an effort to do just that, and let’s do it away from everyday pressure and prying eyes.”

“How? We live in Eternity Springs. It’s the definition of prying eyes.”

“Then we get away from Eternity Springs. Look, Nic, just because we’re not having sex doesn’t mean we can’t have a honeymoon, does it?”

“A honeymoon?” she repeated, her eyes round with shock and maybe a glimmer—just a tiny little spark—of anticipation.

He stopped the car in her driveway and pulled out his phone. “Go pack a bag, Nic. I’ll stay here and make the arrangements. We’ll leave from Eagle’s Way.”

“Leave for where?”

“Pack your sneakers, Nic. We’re going to Disney World.”


Nic blinked. “Disney World? You want to go to Disney World? On a honeymoon?”

“Yeah. It’ll be great.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “Warm weather, plenty to do. It’ll be fun.”

Nic opened her mouth, then shut it. Opened it again, then shut it again. Disney World.

“I’ll book us into one of the hotels on the resort property. Do you have a favorite?”

“Actually, no,” she said, her tone wry. “I don’t have a favorite Disney hotel. Or park. Or movie. Or character. Or song.”

“Oh,” he said, darting her a look. “You’re not a Disney fan?”

“I was an undergraduate double major in college. Biomedical science and business. I did an internship at Disney one summer. For two interminable weeks, I worked the It’s a Small World ride. A guy I worked with told me he’d been assigned to that ride for three years straight. Can you imagine listening to that music all day, every day? I’m telling you, it’s places like that where serial killers are made. Someday we’re going to read about that guy burying people under his house.”

Gabe’s lips twitched. “Let me guess. You’d rather not go to Disney World on our honeymoon.”

“Give the guy a set of mouse ears.”

“Okay, then, you pick a place.”

Against her will, traditional honeymoon destinations spun through her mind: Mexico, the Caribbean, Paris, London, Rome. She gave her head a shake. “Gabe, I appreciate the thought, but we don’t need to go on a wedding trip.” Then, deciding the moment needed honesty, she added, “It would be awkward.”

“Beginning this marriage beneath the watchful eyes of Eternity Springs is what would be awkward. The more I think about it, the more I believe this is the right thing to do. C’mon, Nicole. Let’s pick a place neither one of us has ever visited. We’ll be tourists together.”

He was trying, trying hard, and Nic appreciated the effort. She decided she should do the same. Besides, the thought of discovering a new place along with Gabe had a definite appeal, as did the idea of a break from winter weather. Unfortunately, finding such a place new to them both proved harder than she’d expected. “This isn’t going to work,” she said after naming a dozen possibilities. “You’ve been everywhere.”

“Not everywhere. Let’s do this differently. What activities do we both like? Scuba?”

She shook her head.

He scowled. “Sailing?”

She thought of the delicate state of her stomach Copyright 2016 - 2024