Angel's Rest - By Emily March Page 0,19

of directors of another hospital, and we researched his firm while considering a similar project. He’s quite well-known in his arena.”

A landscape architect. Interesting. But how did an architect get a warrior’s scars? “So what do you want him to do at Cavanaugh House?” Then, before Celeste could respond, Nic understood. She’d said healing energy. “The hot springs? You’re gonna ask him to design something around the hot springs, aren’t you? A resort like they have over in Pagosa Springs?”

“Not exactly. My idea is bigger than that. This won’t be a tourist facility for skiers with sore muscles. Cavanaugh House will be the centerpiece of a healing center, Nicole, and I want Gabe Callahan to design the master plan. Yes, I want a spa facility and pools for the hot springs, but I also want a healing garden and hiking trails and terraces of prayer. My vision is to make Eternity Springs the Sedona of Colorado.”

Nic set down her fork and sat back in her chair, considering the idea. “The Sedona of Colorado,” she mused. She’d visited Sedona, Arizona, one time. It was a lovely place. Not as lovely as Eternity Springs, but then she was prejudiced. The people of Sedona had been friendly. Different, but friendly. Of course, Eternity Springs folks were different, too. Mountain people usually were.

Winter mountain people, especially.

She couldn’t be certain that Eternity would be as welcoming to outsiders as Sedona, but a steady supply of tourist dollars would surely smooth the way for that. Celeste’s plan would change their town, but after plans A, B, C, and D most everyone understood that change of some sort was necessary for survival.

A healing center and spa. “It fits with our history. When this area was being settled, people moved to Colorado because of perceived health benefits. The air here was considered good for those with consumption. Even Doc Holliday came here to heal. And of course, the Ute visited our hot springs for a long time before settlers arrived.” Her mouth stretched in a smile. “Celeste, I think your idea is inspired.”

“I know, dear. Now, finish your breakfast so you can dry these pans I’m about to wash. Then we can share our good news with poor Gabe.”

“Poor Gabe?”

“Not literally, of course. The man is quite comfortable financially. I mean poor in spirit. Gabe is a perfect example of someone who needs what Eternity Springs has to offer. Unfortunately, he’s too isolated up there, too alone on the mountain. He needs to come to town to work on the project. He needs to be here in Eternity Springs around the people …” She paused as Nic rose to let in the boxer, who stood scratching at her kitchen door. “And the pets who will help heal his wounded heart.”

She sees his damaged heart, too. Nic slipped Tiger a half slice of bacon. “What do you know about him, Celeste?”

“I know what I see when I look into his eyes. He’s haunted, Nicole. You’ve seen it, too, haven’t you?”

She recalled the horrible scars on his back and chest and spoke quietly. “Yes.”

“Gabe Callahan’s pain makes him uniquely suited for this project. I believe he’ll tap into the energy of Eternity Springs and produce a transcendent design. He’ll not only change our world, he will change his own.”

Hope lifted Nic’s heart, but caution kept her grounded. “If you can convince him to give us a chance. I had to twist his arm to get him to stay for dinner last night.”

“Yes, but he did stay, did he not?”

Yes, he had stayed, and she’d enjoyed his company tremendously. Gabe was witty and intelligent and interesting. Heaven knows the man was delicious to look at. He was the first man since her divorce who truly interested her, but Gabe Callahan had issues. That was as clear as the scars on his chest. To consider him a romantic prospect wasn’t realistic.

That didn’t mean, however, that she couldn’t offer him friendship. She suspected that the man seriously needed a friend.

“Your success at arm twisting is why I want you to come with me this morning. I want you to take the lead in this conversation. He said yes to you last night.”

“That doesn’t mean he’ll say yes this time. He’s not very approachable, Celeste. His defenses are as high as Murphy Mountain.”

“Then you’ll have to come up with a way to scale the heights, won’t you?”

Before Nic could ask just how she was supposed to manage that particular feat, her front doorbell rang. Copyright 2016 - 2024