Angel's Rest - By Emily March Page 0,13

a rug in front of the fireplace. “He came scratching at my door a little while ago, and I’m bringing him back to you.”

“He scratched at the door of your Jeep?”

“No. He scratched at the kitchen door at Eagle’s Way.”

“How did he get up there?”

“I thought you brought him.”

“No.” Nic shook her head. “I can’t keep strays that come to me. It’s one of my few hard-and-fast rules, otherwise I’d be overrun with pets. The boxer is on a week-long get-to-know-you visit with Celeste Blessing, who I hope will agree to adopt him. She lives in the big yellow Victorian on the east bank of Angel Creek.”

“That’s a long way from Murphy Mountain.”

She nodded, then tilted her head and studied him, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Did he really show up at Eagle’s Way?”

One side of Gabe’s mouth lifted in a self-mocking smile, and he raised his hands palms out. “Hey, I have no reason to lie. I’m not married, and I’m not trying to date you.”

“Ouch,” she muttered, embarrassed at the reminder of what he’d overheard. “I need to call and check on Celeste. Would you keep an eye on Tiger for me, please? The way my luck is running, he’ll decide to sample the meat I have resting on the kitchen counter.”


She gestured vaguely toward the dog. “My name for him. It’s his brindle coat, the black stripes on brown. Makes me think of tiger stripes.”

Nic lifted the phone and dialed Celeste’s number, conscious of the quickening in her pulse as she imagined all sorts of disasters that could have happened to her elderly friend. When Celeste said “Hello” following the third ring, Nic exhaled a relieved breath. “Hi, Celeste, it’s Nic. I’m calling about the boxer.”

“Ah … I take it he’s found his way home?”

Nic gave Gabe Callahan a sidelong look and responded, “In a manner of speaking. He’s here with me now. What happened?”

“Well, we were outside enjoying the sunshine when Archibald walked over, climbed up on my lap, licked my face, then trotted off. He obviously had somewhere to go, so I wasn’t worried about him.”

“Archibald?” Nic repeated, not certain she and Celeste were on the same wavelength. “We’re talking about the boxer, right?”

“Yes, well, he needs a name, and that seemed to fit.”

In what universe, Nic couldn’t guess. “What time was this?”

“Oh, this morning sometime.”

“And you weren’t concerned when he didn’t come back?”

“No, dear. Archibald is a sweetheart of a dog, but I’m not meant to be his companion. He and I both know that. We had quite a talk about it.”

Nic decided then and there that it was time to take Celeste into Gunnison for a thorough medical checkup. She wasn’t a dotty-old-dear type at all. Concerned, Nic asked, “Are you feeling all right, Celeste? Any unusual aches or pains?”

“I’m fine, dear. In fact, I’m just about to take a quick spin on my Honda. It’s a beautiful evening, and this time of year, each one we have is a heavenly gift. You should make a point of enjoying yourself, too. I recall that this is a difficult day for you.”

“Yes, well …” Nic glanced toward Gabe and saw that he was perusing the offerings on her bookshelves. The boxer hadn’t budged from his position in front of the fire. “Maybe Archibald will help me pass the time. Drive safely, Celeste. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

She ended the call and joined her visitors in the library. Gabe arched a brow her way and repeated, “Archibald? That’s worse than Tiger.”

“What have you been calling him?”

Gabe glanced down at the dog and shook his head. “I don’t name things I don’t intend to keep.”

She spared him a scolding look before turning her attention to the dog. Since he didn’t seem interested in coming to her, she crossed the room and knelt beside him. “All right, Tiger. Let’s give you a quick once-over to see how you fared on today’s trek. Hmm … no new scratches or scrapes that I can tell. And, actually, these stitches can come out. How about it, handsome? You ready to ditch the collar?”

As she unfastened the Elizabethan collar’s plastic tabs, she glanced up at Gabe. “I have a yellow canvas bag hanging on a chair in the kitchen. Would you grab it for me, please? It’s the room at the far end of the entry hall.”

“Sure.” When he handed the bag over a few moments later, he said, “I see why you wanted to keep the dog out of the Copyright 2016 - 2024