Angel's Rest - By Emily March Page 0,113


It’s a poor second-best to being held in your arms. Love, Gabe.

“Oh, wow,” she murmured. This had been a big step for Gabe, and she knew it.

During the rest of the party, Nic’s gaze returned time and again to the cradles. She couldn’t believe that the same man who’d ditched her at the hospital had gone to extraordinary effort to offer such perfect gifts for their babies.

Eventually, someone made note of the time and the long drive ahead for those returning to Eternity Springs that night, so guests began to take their leave. Before long, only the hostesses of the shower—Nic’s four closest friends—remained, and the post-party cleanup began in earnest. While Sage and Sarah chased down scraps of ribbon and paper that had blown toward the back of the yard and Celeste began stacking gifts inside the two cradles, Ali asked Nic, “How are you doing? Can I get you anything else?”

“I’m good. I’m wonderful. This was so nice of you all to do. I can’t thank you enough.”

“You are very welcome. It’s been a lot of fun.”

Celeste walked over and smiled at Nic and Ali. “I think we’re just about done. Ali, we need you to tell us where to take the trash bags, and Nic, it’s time for you to make a decision. Where do you want your gifts? At your place here in town or at home in Eternity Springs?”

Nic’s gaze zoomed in on the cradles. Sarah had mentioned earlier that Gabe was still living up at Eagle’s Way. She licked her lips, then looked at Sage, who silently read the question in her eyes and nodded. Yes, it will be safe for your babies to be born closer to home.

Sarah slipped her arm through Nic’s and said, “Whatever you want, Nic. Know that I have your back.”

Nic drew a deep breath, then made her decision. “Home. Take it all home to Eternity Springs. We’ll be there the beginning of next week.”


On the twelfth of September, Nic returned to Eternity Springs. The trip from Denver took three hours longer than usual since she’d had to stop what seemed like every ten minutes to pee. She rode with Sage while Sarah and Tiger drove Nic’s truck for her. When they pulled up in front of Nic’s house, she took one look at her home and burst into tears. “Honey?” Sage asked.

“I’m okay. Just so glad to be home.”

Sarah pulled the truck into Nic’s driveway and opened the door. Tiger bounded out barking and bounding around the yard. “Looks like he’s happy to be home, too,” Sage said.

“Yes,” Nic agreed. “I know he missed the freedom to roam he had here at …” Her voice trailed off as she noted an addition to her yard. “Is that a doghouse? With a deck?”

Sarah joined Nic and Sage and shook her head. “I told him the deck was overkill.”

Nic walked closer and read the sign hanging above the opening. “ ‘Tiger’s Den’? Who built this?”


“Gabe? You’re kidding.” She stared at her friends in disbelief. “That sounds like he’s calling the dog by name.”

“Something like that.” Sarah shrugged. “Larry Wilson says he came into the hardware store and bought a dog collar and an engraved tag that said Tiger and listed your address. But he also bought a tag that said Clarence with your address. There’s a sign on the other side of the doghouse that says Clarence’s Castle.”

How many times had Nic heard Gabe say that he didn’t name things he didn’t intend to keep? Too many to count, that’s for sure. And now two names? “Why give the boxer two names?”

“Larry said Gabe wanted to talk to you first. He didn’t want to change the boxer’s name if it would be a problem for the dog.”

Nic took another long look at the elaborate doghouse and shook her head. “Clarence?”

She heard the familiar whistle as Gabe came around the back corner of her house. He wore faded jeans and a paint-stained blue chambray work shirt that had two artist’s brushes sticking up from the pocket. Seeing the women, he stopped abruptly. His gaze moved hungrily over Nic. “You look beautiful, Nic. Welcome home.”

She was tired and uncomfortable and cranky. Overwhelmed. She wasn’t prepared to deal with Gabe right now. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

“I was finishing up a project inside. I thought you were coming home tomorrow, not today. I’m so glad—” He paused when Tiger came running up, then stopped beside Nic and barked at Gabe. His Copyright 2016 - 2024