Angel's Rest - By Emily March Page 0,104

the things Gabe Callahan needs to hear, I need to say.”

She’d started a list of them between six and seven o’clock this morning. She was already on page four.

Her friends kept her company until activity in the ER picked up and the nurse declared that two of her three visitors must leave. “I’ll go,” Sarah said. “I’d like to run a couple of errands before we head back.”

Sage spoke to Celeste. “You mentioned you needed to pick up something at the motorcycle shop. Why don’t I stay with Nic while you guys do your errands, then we can stop by Julio’s for lunch before we hit the road.” To Nic she added, “You are going home before you leave for Denver, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I need to pack up some necessities, and I’m going to call Ali Timberlake and see if she can help me figure out a place to stay. She knows Denver better than I do.”

Sarah leaned over the hospital bed and gave Nic a hug. “I’m so glad this was a false alarm. I think Gabe Callahan needs a swift kick in the butt.”

“I won’t argue with either point.”

When Sarah moved aside, Celeste leaned over the bed and kissed Nic’s forehead. “All will be well, Nic, dear. Have faith.”

“I’m sorry about Angel’s Rest.”

“Don’t be. Nothing happened there that can’t be fixed.” Eyeing Nic meaningfully, she added, “The same as here.”

Pesky tears stung Nic’s eyes again at that. She wanted to argue, but instead she said simply, “Thanks for coming.”

When they left, Sage pulled up a chair beside the bed and took a seat. Nic saw her study the monitors and nod knowingly. Nic had the sense that Sage felt right at home. She blurted the question without thinking. “Have you been in my shoes before, Sage?”

“Hmm? You mean, has a man ever let me down royally?”

“The monitors. You look at them like you know what they mean. I’m sorry, it’s nosy of me, but … it made me wonder if you’ve been pregnant.”

Sage shook her head. “No, never pregnant, but I am familiar with fetal monitors.”

She stood up and paced the room, her arms folded, her long broomstick skirt swishing around her ankles, her expression agitated. “Look, Nic. If I tell you something—a deep, dark secret—will you promise to keep it to yourself and not use it against me?”

Nic’s brow knitted. Her deepest, darkest secret? Use it against her? What in the world did Sage have to confess? “Of course I’ll keep your confidence, Sage. You have my word.”

Sage licked her lips. “Okay. Well. Nic, it’s like this. This move to Denver … that’s a drastic decision considering you’ve had a normal pregnancy so far. Are you truly worried about medical care?”

“After today, yes, I am.”

“For CareFlight to be unavailable … that was such an aberration.”

“I know, but it’s more than that. Dr. Marshall wants to see me every two weeks for a while and weekly after that. That’s a lot of trips to Gunnison.”

“What if … there was a doctor in town? A specialist?”

Nic figured it out then and wondered why it had taken her so long. “You’re a doctor, Sage?”

“I was. I am. I … oh, dear. Nic, I trained as an obstetrical surgeon. If you don’t want to go to Denver, I’m well qualified to oversee your pregnancy.”

“You’re a doctor? That’s your secret?”

Sage shoved her fingers through her thick auburn hair. “Look, it’s a long story that’s not worth going into if you are sure about Denver. If you want to stay in Eternity, I’ll give you my curriculum vitae, but I’ll need at least a full bottle of wine to get through the story.”

“Oh, this is so not fair. Not only do you tease me with the story of the century, or at least the month, but you tease me with alcohol I can’t drink.”

Sage looked at her and laughed. “You’re okay, aren’t you, Nic? This incident … his idiocy … hasn’t broken you.”

“I’m not broken. I’m angry. In fact, I’m furious.”

Sage’s gaze stole to the monitors and she smirked. “Your blood pressure supports that statement. Do you want to talk about it? Would that help?”

Nic flopped her head back against the pillow. “Thanks, but no. I think I need time to lick my wounds. Pretty good job, by the way, of deflecting the subject away from you, Dr. Anderson.”

She grimaced. “Look, Nic, you’ve been a wonderful friend to me. When you had your accident, I failed to step up and it’s haunted me Copyright 2016 - 2024