The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,7

of a four year old. But since these last two seem of little importance to you I still feel that I am qualified to accept the position," Cara finished briskly.

Eyes narrowed to icy slits, Julian leaned forward on his elbows, staring at the flush-faced girl with eyes demurely downcast.

"Miss Farraday," Wilton spoke softly but there was an underlying shaft of steel running through his voice. "Yours is not the sort of conciliating attitude expected in someone seeking a position. You seem curiously oblivious to the honor of having my wards as your charges."

"In America one does not beg for a position," Cara snapped, unable to control a flash of temperament. "We take pride in our work no matter who employs us."

Nonplussed at the girl's impertinence, Julian could only gawk at the young woman. In all his remembrance no servant had ever dared to speak to him in this manner. He rose to his feet, watching in satisfaction when the girl's eyes widened in fear as he towered over her diminutive figure.

As he rounded the corner of the desk, Cara begged her feet to remain firmly planted on the carpeting. With all her heart she wanted to turn and run as Julian stalked toward her. Cara gulped in trepidation, then closed her eyes to block out the bulk of the angry man. Despite her terror she refused to back away, squaring her shoulders as if ready to sustain a blow.

Julian had to admit she had courage.

Perversely, he found her very composure a challenge. Without considering his actions, Julian's hand shot out, his fingers closing on the girl's chin. Lifting the bowed head he looked down into the heart-shaped face of the little American. He could feel her jaw muscles jump in fear and waited until the colorless lashes lifted to expose the girl's eyes. Then with an expression of supreme disinterest, which he was far from feeling, Julian's eyes scrutinized her face then let his eyes drop to roam at will over her body.

Heat washed up into Cara's face at the insulting examination. She wanted desperately to cover her chest as Julian's eyes skimmed across her bosom, seeming to probe for the figure beneath her dress. Gritting her teeth she willed herself to stand quiet beneath his inspection.

The absolute stillness of the girl broke through Julian's rancor and in self-disgust he whirled away, marching to the windows, to stare out at the garden.

Cara shuddered in relief at the absence of the man's oppressive nearness. She was puzzled at her own reactions which hovered somewhere between fear and excitement. Glancing up, her eyes searched the brooding figure framed in the mullioned windows.

He was undeniably handsome, Cara noted with a quickening of her pulse. A heavy thatch of black hair was cut fashionably short, curling around his neck and across his forehead.

Tracing the lines of Wilton's face, Cara tried to view the disconcerting man objectively. His features were clear-cut. A high forehead, over jutting black eyebrows, dominated the upper part of his face. The left brow was cut through by a jagged scar that gave his face a look of perpetual sardonic amusement. His nose was straight and his mouth full lipped, hinting at a controlled sensual nature. His chin was square indicating stubbornness and determination. His eyes were hidden behind heavy lids but Cara had no trouble recalling their piercing regard. Unable to bear the continued silence, she plunged into speech.

"Besides their lessons, what other responsibilities will I have with the children?"

Julian laughed shortly at the persistence of the girl. Not only had he failed to intimidate her but now she was interrogating him. It crossed his mind that Americans were by and large a troublesome lot. Their independent way of life had undermined the working class. Unhappily he remembered that his own wife was an American. Perhaps this is just a foretaste of my dealings with my new bride, Julian shuddered. On that uncomfortable thought, his brow furrowed and he sank back down into the leather chair behind his desk.

Damnation, Julian thought in frustration. Granted the Duchess had sent the girl and it would be a diplomatic move to hire her, it was still on the tip of his tongue to dismiss her out of hand. His instincts warred with his wish to accommodate his unseen bride and he debated his decision concerning the governess. Shrugging, he briefly outlined Cara's duties. When he finished there was silence; each of the antagonists considering the other.

"I will be solely responsible for them?" Cara Copyright 2016 - 2024