The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,66

Cara cried in distress.

"Was it because of the row this morning?" He ignored Cara's protest and hurried on. "I heard a lot of yelling this morning and Mrs. Clayton said that you were in the library with Uncle Julian. When he's mad and tearing a strip off one, his voice shakes the pictures in the Long Gallery." The boy shook his head in sympathy. "Pennyfeather says Uncle Julian's more wind than damage."

Cara wasn't surprised that Richard was aware of the morning's contretemps. It was not as though Julian had made any attempt to conceal his anger. And of course the servants always knew everything that went on in the Hall. Since the children had the run of the kitchen they were privy to much of the gossip that was passed back and forth over a cup of tea.

"I suppose I better explain," Cara sighed in resignation. She had hoped the children would accept the fact that she would be gone for several days and not look too closely at her story. She hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. "It is true that your Uncle Julian was angry with me. He found me out riding this morning and I had not asked his permission to use one of the horses. You know how particular he is about his cattle."

"But why were you riding, Miss Farraday?" Richard's forehead was wrinkled in bafflement remembering the last time that he had seen Cara on a horse.

"I was practicing," Cara improvised.

"Oh, I see." The story was acceptable to the boy. Then remembering again her last ride, Richard broke into a mischievous grin. "I can see Uncle Julian now. He probably thought you were abusing his precious horse. What a facer that must have been."

"Now as to your question, young lady. Mrs. Clayton has agreed to look after you." As a frown began to form on the child's face Cara said, "She has a lovely new sampler she thought you might like to try. And I hoped you would like to help Cook in the kitchen. She might even teach you how to make those sugar buns you like."

Thus reminded of the remaining food, Belin scrambled down and once more launched herself at the plate of goodies. Richard stared at Cara, waiting for word of his fate.

"I thought you might like to help Glum in the stables." She smiled at the lightened look in Richard's eyes. "One day you will be setting up your own stables and there's a lot you will have to know. You'll work with him until your uncle returns."

Richard didn't comment immediately. He searched her face to see if there was something else she wanted to say. Then he shrugged as if to say that even though he was not totally satisfied he would do what she had instructed.

Cara's eyes swam at the perception of the boy. Leaning forward she blinked her eyes to clear her vision before she was able to pour more hot chocolate. The children chattered away but she had little heart to join in as she usually did. Too soon, it was time for Cara to leave. Hugging Belin she reminded her to be good for Mrs. Clayton and to remember her manners. Promising she would buy her a present in London, she held the squirming child to her heart for one last hard squeeze.

Richard stood very straight in the doorway. He brushed the toe of his boot on the back of his trouser leg. Then looking directly up at Cara he sighed.

"You will be coming back again, Miss Farraday?" he asked with a shaking voice. "Please?"

Cara knelt down in front of the boy, her dress spreading out prettily around her. Rather like flower petals, he thought. In fact Miss Farraday was like a flower with her shining face so close to his and the scent of her perfume filling his nose. He hadn't realized how pretty she was until just this minute. She certainly was a smasher though.

"I know you're worried," began Cara. "But I'm hoping that I will be back very soon. There's something I have to settle first. But I promise you, Richard, that I will come back and explain if for any reason I have to go away permanently. Will that be acceptable?"

"Yes, I guess so." For one awkward minute the child's chin trembled but he quickly got his expression under control. "But if it's all right I'd rather you'd come to stay here forever."

"Thank you, Richard."

Cara put her arms around the boy who Copyright 2016 - 2024