The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,60

with freckles and now flushed with exercise and embarrassment. Her blue-green eyes, direct and honest, were wide set and vividly alive. Her mouth was generous and soft, moist as the morning dew.

Feeling Julian's eyes on her mouth, Cara's lips tingled and her heartbeat quickened in remembrance of his kiss. In fear at the sensual look in his eyes she struggled to her feet. He was there before her and his arms whipped around her, pinning her against his chest.

"Please. No," Cara begged.

"Before I kissed a stranger. Now I at least know who you are."

His mouth came down covering her trembling lips and Cara's knees buckled as fire tore through her body. Once more she struggled, pushing futilely at his chest. She had a wild floating sensation as the blood sang in her veins. She had been frightened by his first kiss but now she was overwhelmed at the passion his touch aroused. Of their own volition her hands crept up around his neck, her fingers burning with a desire to feel the texture of his hair. Her body strained against his as her mind whirled in ecstasy.

Although Julian would have no way of knowing, she was in love with him. And loving him she was totally vulnerable to him, wanting his kisses and caresses, filled with an almost painful need for his closeness. Julian's senses were inflamed as he felt the acquiescence of the girl to his lovemaking. His tongue probed the wetness of her mouth and he shifted his embrace to cup the soft breast pressed against his chest.

The contact of his hand broke through Cara's swirling emotions, jolting her back to sanity. Frantic to break free, she tore out of his grasp, staggering when he released her. Her hands pressed against her chest as tears of shame started in her eyes. She felt humiliated by how easily he had broken through her emotional defenses.

A single tear dropped to her flushed cheek, catching the light and sparkling like a jewel.

Julian flushed with remorse observing the genuine distress of the girl. He watched the tear slither down her cheek and reached out a finger to touch the wetness. In wonder he felt his heart constrict. The girl was tense, with the alert wariness of a frightened doe. She was prepared to flee at his slightest movement. Julian's hand dropped to his side and he smiled at the trembling girl.

"I apologize, Miss Farraday," he said. "If I promise to behave myself will you stay?"

Cara's eyes searched Julian's, reaching beyond the warm brown eyes to the mind and heart of the man. As though satisfied, she nodded her head, still unable to speak. Julian scanned the area then indicated a fallen log a short distance away. Without words they walked to it and sat down. He leaned forward, waiting in silence but still the girl refused to speak or even to meet his glance. Unable to restrain his impatience, he cleared his throat loudly.

"Well, Miss Farraday?" he questioned. Then at her continued silence, he barked, "Confound it, girl. I can't keep calling you that. I assume you do have a first name."

"Cara," came the whispered reply.

"Cara, then," he snapped. "Do you suppose you could look at me while I talk? You owe me at least that courtesy."

He caught his breath as blue-green eyes impaled him with their glittering brightness. Time was suspended as they locked glances. He felt his life telescoped into a moment in time and feared to break the contact for fear of losing something very precious. Then as his vision cleared to take in more of the girl's face he saw a shift behind her eyes and recognized a look of speculation and he narrowed his own gaze preparing for trouble.

Now that Cara was out of immediate physical danger she was able to compose herself. Her mind whirled from one scheme to another. She realized that her discovery by Julian was a consummate disaster and grappled with various ideas on how she could extricate herself from the present dilemma. In despair she fought for time, hoping that she could dodge Julian's questions for the moment. Her only real hope was to escape Weathersfield.

"Now, Cara," Julian began sternly, "Have you any explanation for your behavior?"

"I ran away because I didn't think you'd let me ride your cattle. And I do so love riding," she finished.

"You know full well that's not what I'm talking about!" Julian burst out in genuine anger. He thrust himself to his feet and paced before her Copyright 2016 - 2024