The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,46

spoke softly, sparing himself little in the telling of the incident.

"She seems to have come to terms with her hands," Cara said, relating the story of the frog princess. "Belin is convinced now that she is special rather than an oddity. As she grows older she'll realize the story is merely a comfort to her but by then she will have a stronger feeling of self worth."

Julian's eyes held approval as he listened to the young woman whose wisdom and common sense had transformed a wild child into a beautiful little wood nymph.

"If Belin continues as she is now I am going to be besieged with offers from smitten young men," Julian laughed. Then as his eyes swung out to the lake his expression darkened. "But with Richard I have no excuse except stupidity."

Cara heard the note of pain in Julian's voice as he stared at the laughing boy in the water. Her hand reached out to touch him in reassurance but she pulled it back quickly, embarrassed at her own forwardness.

"I didn't know Richard was with his parents in the carriage when it overturned."

"Oh," breathed Cara in understanding. "So of course you wouldn't know the reason behind his aversion to horses."

"Exactly," Julian said. "His father was a superb horseman. I assumed Richard would be too and it would be a point of communication for us both. When he balked, I thought he was a coward. And of course he knew what I was thinking but was too proud to admit the reason for his fear. I tore into him, I'm afraid, but the lad is pluck to the bone and held his ground. I should have been horsewhipped."

They sat in silence, both sets of eyes on the water, lost in thought. Suddenly Julian burst out laughing, throwing his head back in helpless amusement. Startled, Cara stared at the shaking figure as though he had taken leave of his senses.

"If you had been a proper young English woman, you would have jumped to my defense," Julian managed to get out when he could control his laughter.

"Well, perhaps horsewhipping would have been a little strong," Cara stammered in confusion.

"Caning, possibly?" Julian offered. As Cara appeared to be considering the idea, Julian laughed again. "Are all Americans without artifice or are you a particularly honest one?"

"I am a very normal person, I assure you," Cara replied. "As the children's governess perhaps I do judge you more severely. If so, I apologize."

"I meant no offense, Miss Farraday," Julian said, but his eyes were sparkling with mischief. "Are you enjoying your position here at Weathersfield?"

"Yes, of course, Lord Wilton," Cara replied. "I am very fond of the children."

Julian noted the genuine sincerity of her words as she gazed at the capering youngsters. He knew without being told that Miss Farraday had come to love both Belin and Richard. Perhaps that was why she had been so successful in dealing with them. Now that he was able to examine them with more interest he was finding them quite fascinating himself.

Cara sensed the brush of Julian's glance and felt her cheeks redden under his close scrutiny. She had not minded listening to his admissions of past dealings with the children. She had been a sounding board for his thoughts. But now that the conversation was no longer about the children and her duties as governess she was uncomfortable. Fearing the personal nature of further discussion, Cara stood up, shaking her skirts out as she walked toward the edge of the lake.

Julian admired the unconscious grace of Cara's movements and catching sight of the bare feet peeking out of the bottom of her skirts, he grinned. Glancing at her dress, he felt an impatience with the frumpy design. She looks like she's borrowed the dress from an older, and evidently larger, sister, he thought. Her limp headdress gave her the appearance of a young nun. Now that Julian was used to the dowdy style of her clothing he was also more aware of the figure beneath the bulky materials. To his discerning eye, the mysterious Miss Farraday had a petite but delightfully curved body.

Reminding himself bleakly of his married state, Julian shook himself to clear his mind of an inventory of the governess' physical attributes and watched as she dealt with the children. Cajoling them out of the water with a combination of humor and outrageous threats, Cara amazed him with the respect for her authority she had already instilled in the children. They responded to her Copyright 2016 - 2024