The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,37

to entertain Belin. Once the children became engrossed in the book, Cara slumped in dejection on the window seat. She stared out the rain-spattered glass her mind whirling over the events of her morning ride.

Since she hadn't been summoned by Julian it was apparent that he had not recognized her in the woods.

Her body trembled at the near discovery. She could just imagine his glowering looks as he demanded an explanation. With unrelenting determination Julian would have the story of her deception before he was done interrogating her. Her mind conjured up a vision of the angry interview and she winced at the all too real possibility.

Worst of all Julian would once again have found her in another untenable position, disheveled, sweaty and reeking of horse. Cara didn't know why that should bother her so. But she did know, she admitted, staring with unseeing eyes at the rain-drenched world beyond the schoolroom. She was in love with Julian.

"It's just not possible," Cara muttered under her breath.

She couldn't be in love with Julian; she didn't even like him. He was arrogant, autocratic, stubborn and a bully. She was offended by his easy morals and furious at his neglect of the children. Yet every time she encountered him she found herself drawn to the magnetism of his personality. I must have some character weakness, Cara fumed bitterly. After all there was nothing laudable about her husband.

Unfortunately her eyes remembered how Julian's tousled black hair fell across his forehead just waiting for a soft hand to brush it back. Her lips remembered the soft firmness of Julian's mouth pressed against her own, calling forth an unknown response. Her body remembered the rippling strength of his body as his lean length supported her quivering weight. Cara stifled a groan, trying to banish her memories.

In her heart she knew that it was dangerous to remain at Weathersfield. Not only did she have the fear of discovery to contend with but also her situation was no longer safe with Edward Tallworth still in residence. After Tallworth's aborted assault in the garden she had taken particular care to avoid him. Whenever she had crossed his path, she felt his eyes burning into her. His hawklike observation warned his prey that he was just biding his time.

Yet despite all the dangers she couldn't leave. The children needed her. Cara had to admit that she had come to love them dearly. Belin was thriving under her care but she needed more time with Richard. She had won his confidence and she couldn't afford to have any changes shake the foundation of that trust. Her sudden disappearance would undo all the progress the boy had made. And he had made progress.

Both Cara and Glum had hoped that Richard would lose his fear of horses by being around the gentle little colt. But neither of them had expected the experiment to work so well. After two days Richard was running to fetch the brushes and extra feed that had been mysteriously left in other parts of the stable. Hurrying back and forth amid the normal activity of the yard the boy seemed unaffected by the presence of the other horses. On the third day Cara stumbled on her way to the box.

"Are you all right, Miss Farraday?" Richard's voice was filled with concern as he bent over the recumbent form of his governess.

"Fine, Richard. At least, I think so."

Cara stood up, shaking out her dusty skirts and brushing at the dirt on her hands. The boy stood quietly while she examined her booted foot, testing it on the oak flooring.

"There. I'm sure my ankle is perfectly sound," Cara announced staggering a little as she hobbled toward the last stall. "Perhaps if I sat down a moment. I still feel a little shaky."

The boy fluttered around her as she sat on a bale of hay, her foot propped up on a grain barrel. He was unaware of the calculating look his governess cast him under her fringe of lashes.

"Can I get you anything, Miss Farraday?"

"I don't think so, Richard. I just need a moment to catch my breath."

"You took quite a tumble. I think you ought to just sit there and rest. I could groom the colt today," Richard offered.

"I'm sure I will be fine. Besides I would be shirking my duties." Cara forced a note of wistfulness into her voice. "It's very hard work for a young lad."

"I'd try ever so hard. I've been watching you every day." Richard was desperate Copyright 2016 - 2024