The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,35

her features he sensed that she was a rare beauty.

As each of the obstacles was jumped, a tinkling sound of pure joy floated across the field.

With bated breath Julian watched in fascination as the twosome sailed over the low hedges, working toward the stone wall set at the far end of the meadow. The girl approached the high jump, but did not try it immediately. She walked the mare along the wall, talking and patting the neck of the sweated animal. Then Julian heard a low chuckle as the girl swerved away from the stones and trotted on the little capering gray down the field. Horse and rider thundered toward the wall and Julian held his breath as the mare's muscles bunched for the jump. At the last minute the mare shied, swerving and dumping her rider in a flurry of skirts.

Expelling his breath in a quick explosion, Julian dug his heels into the sides of his stallion.

Cara tested her limbs and was grateful to discover nothing but her pride was injured. She rubbed her grass-stained hands against her skirts then approached the grazing gray.

"You ungrateful hussy," Cara grumbled reaching for the reins. "After all the apples and sweets I've given you. That's the third time this week you've refused the wall. One of these days you'll have to take it, you know."

The mare nuzzled Cara's shoulder by way of apology and the disheveled girl affectionately stroked the neck of the beautiful animal. As she leaned over to brush the dirt off her riding habit she heard the sound of an approaching horse. In alarm she squinted at the figure at the far end of the field, recognizing Julian even at that distance. Without thought Cara grasped Gentian's reins and standing on a nearby stump catapulted herself into the saddle. Fear of discovery set Cara's heart pounding but she forced down her emotion as she once more rode the mare at the wall.

"Trust me, sweetheart," Cara crooned into Gentian's ear as they pounded across the field toward the rough pile of stones. "We can make it."

The horse must have sensed Cara's desperation because her muscles bunched and without hesitation she took the wall with inches to spare. In full flight the horse and rider raced for the trees and disappeared.

At first Julian was stunned by the flight of the girl but his amazement quickly turned to anger. By the time he cleared the wall there was no evidence of the pair. Rider and horse had been swallowed up in the woods with no indication of their direction. From the high fields Julian knew the girl had access to limitless areas. He was furious that an unknown rider was on his property but having no idea which estate she had come from there was no way to intercept her. In exasperation he pushed his hair off his sweating forehead, slapping his riding crop viciously against his boot.

In near panic Cara rode through the woods, stopping only when she feared that she would do Gentian some damage. She sat atop the heaving horse listening for any signs of pursuit. With shaking hands she braided her hair and retied the headdress to cover it. Brushing the worst of the dirt from her skirts Cara tried to compose herself before she approached the stableyard. She knew she was still in imminent danger of discovery should Julian run into her at this juncture. Despite the minutes ticking away she waited until Gentian had rested before nudging the mare along the path to the stables.

"Not hurt, Miss?" Glum asked in concern, taking in Cara's dirt-streaked habit.

"No, it's worse," cried the flustered girl, leaping to the ground. "It's Lord Wilton. He - I mean," the governess stammered in confusion.

"I'll take care of Gentian. Off with ye."

Glum caught the reins thrust into his callused hands, then turned with the mare as Cara fled toward the Hall. Moving quickly to get the horse under cover, Glum assigned a boy to walk and groom the horse. He was back outside when the darkly scowling Lord Wilton returned. Julian flung himself from the horse turning toward the Hall. He hesitated, then stopped and hailed Glum who was leading the stallion toward the stables. "Have you seen any strangers hereabout?"

"No one's arrived at the Hall since you went off for your ride, Lord Wilton."

"It's a girl I'm wondering about," Julian mentioned nonchalantly.

"One of the tenants' girls, milord?" Glum squinted into the sun then spat in the dust.

"No. It's a young gentlewoman with Copyright 2016 - 2024