The American Bride - By Karla Darcy Page 0,3

to her chair. She squinted at the pages for several minutes and then smiled at the curious girl.

"Lady Trehune always keeps me abreast of the latest gossip. Can't understand why anyone would tell her anything in confidence because before you could get out the door Netty would have told at least three people. At any rate she has her uses when you need to know anything about the ton."

"She wrote you about Lord Wilton?"

"Indirectly," the Duchess said, smiling at her granddaughter's eagerness. "About three years ago Lord Wilton's brother and his wife were killed in a carriage accident. There were two children and they are wards of Wilton. They live at his country estate and according to Netty they are in need of a governess. Knowing of your marriage she was delighted to inform me that their last governess left under some sort of a cloud."

"You mean that I could go there as a governess? Oh, grandmother, what a lark!"

The girl laughed deeply, much to her grandmother's approval. She was a fine healthy animal who seemed to appreciate a good joke. No missish girl, this one, nodded the Duchess.

"Do you think you could carry it off?" Liela inquired.

"I had a perfectly awful governess after Mother died." Even now there was a note of sadness in Cara's voice as she remembered her mother. "Madame Regenard was an absolute dragon." She jumped to her feet and strutted across the carpeting. "Should I be French? I can speak it perfectly, even though my accent is a bit awkward,"

"No, child," the Duchess drawled. "No one would ever take you for anything but an American."

Cara whirled in her excitement and hugged herself. She debated for a moment if the proper old lady would permit herself to be hugged. Then with a flurry of red hair the girl catapulted herself across the room and gave her astounded grandmother a hearty kiss.

"Enough, you flighty wench." Despite the gruff voice it was obvious that the Duchess was pleased.

"It's not what I came all the way from America for but I guess it will have to do." Good breeding and a practical nature were definite assets as Cara viewed her grandmother's proposition. "I do thank you for this, Gran. How much time will I have?"

"A month. That should be long enough for our purposes. Besides any longer might be dangerous. All you need do is remain inconspicuous, observe Wilton in the background. No one notices servants so you should be quite anonymous."

"It sounds perfect, Grandmother."

"Since my own servants will be talking I will not be able to hide the fact that you have arrived from America. However I will put it abroad that you are still grief-stricken over the death of your father and have gone into seclusion. Your maid, Bethel, will remain here playing your part while I send you to Wilton. We will say that my granddaughter befriended you on the ship." Liela was silent contemplating the girl, and then as though coming to a decision she waved at Cara. "Go to the door and bring Anna and your maid. There's a great deal to do before morning."

After a brief explanation to Anna and a stunned Bethel, the Duchess set them all to work with a vengeance. It was well past midnight before the transformation of Caroline Leland, heiress, to Miss Farraday, governess, was completed.

Standing in front of the mirror, Cara winced at her image.

The only remaining clue to the young lady of fashion were Cara's eyes, luminous pools of startling blue-green. She gazed in the glass at the drab creature in the shapeless black dress. The merino wool hung limply around her figure, hiding the curves and giving her the look of a child dressed in her older sister's clothes. Her glorious hair had been scraped away from her face and braided, then fastened securely at the base of her neck. A cowl-like headdress covered all of her hair, tying at the back of her neck and hanging down to her waist in lifeless folds. Rice powder had been applied liberally, hiding her natural color and giving her face a bland appearance.

"Oh, Gran, I look awful," Cara groaned.

"Dreadful, isn't it," the Duchess pronounced smugly. "But at least looking like that, Wilton won't have any hesitation in hiring you. Vanity, my dear, has no place in this arrangement."

"I think you're actually enjoying all this," Cara exclaimed.

"I am, child. I most definitely am." Liela chuckled as she eased herself into a chair. "There are very few pleasures left Copyright 2016 - 2024