Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,84

mine just as my orgasm was exploding and rushing through my body.

Then I felt him, felt his entire body tremble as he pulled his mouth away and met my gaze. “Me too, baby.”

I wrapped my arms around him but let my legs fall to the side so he could pull out.

“It’s always been you. It will always be you, Kaylee.”

Those words slammed so hard against my chest that I let out a sob as he pulled out and used his hand. He came on my stomach, and as much as I wanted him inside me, it was hot as hell watching him put his seed all over my body.

When I glanced back up, his eyes were locked on me. I couldn’t read what it was I saw exactly in those baby blues, but it didn’t scare me. He had a different look in his eyes today. They told me everything I needed to know—and I knew in that moment I would fight for us, forever if I had to.

Then the look disappeared, and he smiled. A sexy-as-hell smile. “You need a shower, princess.”

“But I rather like your cum on me.”

He looked down at it, then back to me. “That was pretty hot, but I feel like a damn dog who just marked his territory.”

I laughed. “You don’t have to mark me. I’m all yours.”

Ty’s smile faded slightly, and then he leaned down and kissed me. “I want to do this with you, Kaylee, but I need to be honest. I’m scared shitless. Ever since the accident, there’s a part of me that’s . . . lost.”

“Then I’ll help you find your way.”

“What if I take this job?”

“Then I’ll be behind you a hundred percent. The nice thing about my job is I can travel and work from anywhere.”

He smiled. “You’d do that?”

I nodded. “Yes. If this is what you truly want to do, yes.”

“And if I wanted to just be a rancher?”

“Then I better start learning about the cattle business and birthing calves.”

He laughed and slowly shook his head as his eyes searched my face. “I want to say the words . . . but . . .”

“Don’t apologize for that. I want you to say them when you’re not even thinking about it. When they just simply come out because you mean it.”

Ty stood, then reached down and picked up his T-shirt and gently wiped off my stomach. “I didn’t like pulling out of you when I came,” he said as he helped me off the bed.

“Why not?”

He looked unsure of something.

“Do you want kids someday?” I asked, clearly taking him by surprise. He froze, so I went about what we were doing like it was no big deal. Making my way into the bathroom, I reached into the shower and turned it on. “It’s just a question, Ty. That’s all. I want kids. And little Ty Shaws would be sort of cool. Someday.”

His throat bobbed as he swallowed and ran his hand through his hair. I took his hands in mine and walked us into the stand-up shower.

“Breathe, Ty. I’m not asking you to impregnate me today, or even next year. It’s. Just. A. Question.”

When we stepped under the hot water, I could see his body relax.

“Yes, I want kids. With you.”

My stomach fluttered, and I couldn’t help the smile that erupted on my face. He smiled in return, then kissed me, pushed me against the wall, and did what he’d said he was going to do. First make love, then fuck me. And fuck me he did. Thoroughly.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Bright lights made me look away as I attempted to block them out. The smell of burning rubber assaulted my senses. The sounds of metal crashing made me bolt up, my breaths coming short as I gasped for air. Again.

I instantly felt her touch, and my heart seemed to react. It slowed a bit, still pounding in my chest but not racing out of control. My lungs opened up, and air was able to get in. Her hands were on my chest, pushing me back down so that I lay on the bed. Then I felt her on top of me. She rubbed her warmth gently over me. It didn’t take long for my dick to respond. My heart pounded, but for a different reason now.

“Shh, it’s okay,” she whispered, leaning down and kissing my chest.

The words were on the tip of my tongue. I wanted to tell her I loved her so fucking bad, but I couldn’t. I Copyright 2016 - 2024