Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,82

man like it needed its next hit of oxygen.

When I walked into his room, I crossed over to the curtains and pushed them open, allowing a stream of sunlight to fill the area. It had been my first instinct. Ty had a habit of living in darkness; I was about to change that. At least, I hoped I was.

The feel of the sun instantly hitting me helped to calm down my frantically beating heart. I wasn’t sure if I was nervous, excited, or scared to death that Ty only wanted sex.

I turned and looked at the bed. It was clear only one side of the bed had been slept in, and the relief that flooded into my body was palpable. I was positive he noticed. When I lifted my gaze, I saw that he was watching my every move.

Then he smiled, and I lost any sort of willpower I actually believed I still had.

I wanted him more than anything. Yes, I’d told myself over and over on the way there that we would talk first. Before anything else. But those blue eyes looked at me almost in a pleading way. As if he needed to touch me to continue breathing. God, it felt amazing to have him look at me like that.

The memories of our night together came back, the sweet way he’d made love to me. It was back in an instant. Then his dimple appeared, and he stood there, dressed like the cowboy he was, in the black cowboy hat that made his blue eyes stand out, almost as if they were stars in a black sky.

I dropped my purse, causing him to drop my bag.

“Ty.” The word barely above a whisper.

Ty crossed the short distance between us, cupped my face in his hands, and looked deep into my eyes. “I fucking missed you, Kaylee.”

Smiling, I rose onto my toes, willing him to kiss me again like he had in the elevator only minutes ago. It didn’t take him long to answer my silent plea. His mouth crashed to mine, just as needy and powerful as it was the very first time he’d kissed me. My hands went up to his hat, which I took off and tossed onto the bed.

Ty reached behind him and yanked his shirt over his head, breaking our kiss only long enough to get it off and toss it to the floor. He then went to my shirt, peeling it off my body and letting his gaze linger on me.

My body burned with desire. I had never wanted a man like I wanted Ty. Even after the night we’d spent together, I had stupidly thought it would be enough, but it was far from it. I craved him like a junkie craving their next fix. I couldn’t help but wonder if Ty had felt the same for me, and if that need had scared him.

My hands went to his jeans, shaking as I fumbled with the button and zipper. Finally, Ty broke our kiss, stepped back, and started to take off the rest of his own clothes. I did the same, toeing off my sneakers and watching with hungry eyes as he took off his jeans, then his boxer briefs, gifting me with a vision of his cock.

Moaning, I was hoping I didn’t have drool coming out of my mouth as I stared at it: hard, long, waiting to be inside me. “Good Lord, I forgot how big you are.”

He smiled, taking over for me as he pulled my jeans down. He kissed along my hips, his finger barely sliding along the top of my white lace panties. I thanked God above I had made myself shower and shave last night.

With his eyes lifted and looking at me, he pulled my panties down, then blew warm air on me, causing me to draw in a quick breath. My body trembled with anticipation. Ty glanced up at me, then smiled before he gently pressed his face against me, inhaling a deep breath. An instant rush of desire pooled between my legs, and I instinctively put my hands in his hair.

Then he stood, and disappointment hit me like a brick dropping on my stomach.


Ty winked. “I’ll taste you, baby, don’t worry. Right now, I need to see all of you. Touch you. Feel myself inside you.” As he reached behind my back to unclasp my bra, he brought his mouth to my ear. “I don’t have any condoms, Kaylee.”

That knowledge made me happier than it Copyright 2016 - 2024