Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,79

was talking about Dirk’s proclivities, and two older women glared at me.

“Excuse me, ladies,” I said, stepping into the elevator as Brock lost it, laughing. “I might lose my signal,” I said to Brock, giving them both my best smile. My charm didn’t work, though, and all I got were two scowls in return.

Oddly enough, I never lost my signal.

“So, do you want to tell me why Kaylee is here in Billings?”

“Not really.”

I rubbed at the instant headache in my temples. “Brock.”

“Listen, this is between the two of you, but something happened last night, and she was worried you were going to read into it wrong.”

Even if I tried to hide it, I wouldn’t have been able to contain the slight upward turn of my mouth. “Channing?”

“Yeah. Ty, listen, do me a favor: don’t blow her off or act like you can’t stand being around her. She took a flight in this morning to be there.”

“A flight?”

“Just promise me you won’t be a dick to her.”

“Brock, I wouldn’t do that to her. I mean, we have a sort of . . . messed-up relationship, or friendship, or whatever the hell it is. I know I’ve hurt her before, and I had some messed-up reason for justifying it, but I’m not going to hurt her. Ever again.”

“Good, or I’d have to break your other leg in a few spots.”

“Like that would ever happen,” I scoffed. “I’m supposed to meet Rich and Bill for breakfast, and I’m running late. I’ll keep an eye out for her.”



“She loves you. I just thought maybe you should know that before she gets there, and maybe it’s wrong of me to tell you, but it’s out there now.”

I stopped walking, anxiety instantly filling my entire body. Swallowing hard, I forced myself to move, then forced the next question out as I approached the hotel restaurant.

“How . . . how do you know that?”

“She told me last night.”

“What do you mean, she told you last night?”

“I’ll talk to you later.”

“Brock. Brock!”

The line went dead, and I let out a growl as I shoved my phone into my pocket. I was going to kick his ass for getting involved in my personal life. And why in the hell was Kaylee telling my brother she was in love with me? She couldn’t be in love with me. Yes, what we shared that night was fucking amazing, but she didn’t know the real me. She couldn’t—because that was the part of me she wouldn’t want to love.

“Ty, how did you sleep?” Bill asked. He stood and gave my hand a quick shake.

“Good, thanks.”

The waitress walked up and smiled when I looked at her. “What can I get you?”

“A bloody mary, and just some scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, and a bowl of fruit, please.”

She nodded as she wrote it down, then asked Bill and Rich, “Anything else, gentlemen?”

They both answered no.

“Hair of the dog, huh?” Rich asked with a laugh.

I groaned. “I’m getting too old for this shit. How do these guys do it and then climb onto a bull?”

Bill laughed. “You should know—you used to be one of them.”

“Yeah, well, I guess being twenty-three versus twenty-nine makes a big difference in endurance.”

“Oh, most definitely. Just make sure you’re ready for today. You did great yesterday, and the bosses loved it. That’s all that matters.”

“So, what are you guys going to do about Rachel?” I asked, thanking the waitress for my drink and taking a long swig.

“I spoke with Kim this morning; she’s going to handle it.”

With a nod, I took another drink.

“So . . . you and Rachel dated?” Rich asked.

I almost snorted. “Hell no. We fucked, a lot. But it wasn’t anything exclusive.”

“Never were one to mince your words,” Bill said.

“Why should I? That’s what we did. She was a regular on the circuit, pretty and very willing. I didn’t care who she slept with, and she didn’t care who I slept with. It was good for both of us. And now it’s not.”

They both nodded.

“Can we move on from my past sex life, please? Tell me what I should be expecting if I take this job.”

Bill gave me a confused look as he turned to Rich, then back to me. “If? I thought it was pretty much a done deal.”

The waitress set my food down in front of me, and I dug into it like I hadn’t eaten in weeks. “No, I didn’t sign a contract. I told them I wanted to see if this was something Copyright 2016 - 2024