Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,7

tell,” Lincoln said with a giggle and a naughty smile.

“Well, I needed a bit of harmless flirting. And the idea of going out with a guy who actually wants to spend time with me is tempting. I’m tired of being alone. Crawling into bed every night without a warm body to snuggle up to is messing with my head.” I closed my eyes and sighed. “I just want to stop thinking about him.”

Lincoln stood, and that caused me to open my eyes and look her way. She walked over to put Morgan in her bassinet, then leaned down and kissed her daughter before she faced me.

“Let’s go for a walk. I’ll let Brock know.”

Oh, great. My comments now had Lincoln’s radar up and running, and her need to protect me was pushed to DEFCON 5.

After grabbing my coat, I slipped it on and stepped outside onto Brock and Lincoln’s large wraparound porch. The view of the mountains nearly stole my breath. Almost a year of living here and I still got lost to the mountains. Half the time they looked fake, and I felt like I was staring at a picture. Today they were covered in snow, the sun shining off their peaks and making them look like a million sparkling diamonds. I couldn’t help but smile. This was home now, and I would never get tired of this massive blue sky and beautiful country.

“One of these days I’m going to hike you,” I said to myself and to no particular mountain.

“Okay, Brock is on duty . . . let’s walk for a bit.”

Lincoln wrapped her arm around mine and guided us down the steps and to the trail that led down to the small gazebo Brock had built Lincoln for Christmas.

“Do you want to talk about John?”

My head snapped around to look at her. “John?” I asked with a surprised voice. Instant guilt swept over my body. Lincoln had thought I’d meant John, when in reality, it had been Ty I’d spoken about. I chewed nervously on my lip.

Lincoln stopped walking and faced me. “Isn’t that who you were . . .”

I felt my cheeks heat and tears threatening to build, but I held them back.

Shaking her head, Lincoln took my hand in hers. “Oh, it wasn’t John you were thinking about. I didn’t mean to make you feel sad.”

“I’m not sad—I feel guilty,” I said, a bit too defensively. It was okay if I still felt sad about John. I knew that. I had loved him. I was going to marry him. But the feelings I now had for Ty were much more intense.

“You know he would want you to be happy, Kaylee. It’s been years, and you haven’t gone out with anyone.”

“I’ve gone out on a couple of dates.”

She raised a brow. “Did you feel anything for those couple of guys?”

“Well, no, but no one has caught my attention.”

“Until Ty.”

With a nod, then a sigh, I replied, “Yeah. Ty. The pain-in-my-ass brother-in-law of yours whom I can’t stop thinking about. In every way. Every position. Hell, I even have weird, kinky dreams where he ties me up with a rope.”

Lincoln laughed. “It’s never been a secret you’ve found him attractive. I just thought you’d moved on.”

“Yeah, so did I. Apparently my body hasn’t gotten the memo. Even my heart is a little bit to blame as well. The bitch.”

“Kaylee, have you thought about talking to him? Seeing where you both could go with this?”

I let out a humorless laugh. “No. I mean, yes. I don’t know, Lincoln.”

I stared out at the mountains again and let my mind drift to the past. A past I had worked so hard on keeping there. The emotions that went along with my past would be enough to drag me back into the water and pull me under if I let them.

“Talk to me, Kaylee.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, gathering my thoughts before I spoke. “My whole life, I’ve pretty much had everyone tell me what I was able to do, and what a girl like me just shouldn’t do.”

“You grew up with money—that was probably your folks’ way of taking care of you.”

Facing her, I laughed, this time finding humor in her words. “You do remember me trying to use a hammer to put screws up when you first moved here, right?”

She laughed and nodded. “Yes, I remember.”

“Even with John, there were so many times when he would tell me I couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024