Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,69

eyes and shook my head. “He said he doesn’t want a relationship, but I know he feels the same thing I feel. I know he does.”

A smile slowly grew over Dirk’s face. “Then what are you going to do about it?”

With a deep breath, I stood up taller, then lifted my chin. “I’m going to let him go.”

Dirk raised his brow. “Really? I kind of figured you were going to say you were going to go after him.”

With a shake of my head, I said, “No. Ty needs to do this. If being away from bull riding is what’s keeping him locked away, then maybe this is what he needs. I won’t keep him from that.”

“And you?”

“What about me?”

“Will you wait for him . . . or will you move on?”

I didn’t answer him, and he looked over my head, out at the lake. He took in a breath and then slowly let it out before he focused back on me. “The circuit is filled with women throwing themselves at us. You know that, right?”

“Are you trying to tell me Ty is going to be sleeping around?”

He rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. “I don’t want you getting hurt, Kaylee. I care about you as a friend, and Ty is my friend also, but I remember the days when Ty would have women practically falling at his feet. If he thinks you’ve moved on, he’s going to—”

I held up my hand. “I get what you’re trying to say. I don’t need to hear it out loud.”

“Okay, but, sweetheart, you need to ready yourself if it does happen.”

Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I turned and faced the lake. The mountains reflected off the water, and it was one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen. The peacefulness was almost too much to take in. I could have stayed out there for hours, just watching the ripples of water as the wind blew. The view was more serene than anything that was going on in my own head, after all.

I wrapped my arms around my body and fought off the chill that was making me tremble. Or maybe it was something else altogether different that had my body shaking. Whatever it was, I was going to leave it up to fate to figure out, because I suddenly felt too exhausted to even think about it.

Chapter Nineteen


I sat across the table as Sam waited for my answer.

“This weekend? In Billings?” I asked.

“Yes. You’ve been in front of the camera plenty of times, Ty. You know how it works. Give it a test run,” Sam said.

Laughing, I scrubbed my hands over my face. “Okay, say it goes good, everyone is happy. Then what? The next invitational isn’t until July.”

“We’d like for you to go to Pueblo. Immerse yourself back into the world, go out on some PBR Majors, get back into the swing of things.”

“You’re asking me to just up and leave my family ranch. My family.”

“Yes, we are, and if you weren’t willing to do that, you wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”

He slid a piece of paper across the table with a figure on it. An even bigger figure than before. I glanced at it as Sam went on.

“Sign the contract, and this is yours.”

“No contract, and money has never been my driving force—you know that, Sam. It was being the best at what I was doing at the time. If I didn’t think I could do commentating, I wouldn’t have come.”

Sam smiled. “You Shaw boys always were cocky.”

I returned his smile with a smirk. “We try.”

“Fine, no contract. Let’s call Billings a trial run. They’ll introduce you as a guest commentator. If you like it, then you start up in August on the PBR tour. I still want you in Colorado. You need to get back into the world of PBR, Ty.”

With a nod, I stood. “You’re paying for a place there for me, then. That’s all I’m asking for now. Once I figure out if this is something I want to do, I’ll sign a contract.”

“Of course. I think that sounds like a solid plan.”

I reached my hand out, and Sam stood and shook it as I said, “Trial run, it is. I’ll see you in Billings.”

Sam stood, we shook hands, and I made my way out of the room. My heart was pounding. Was I really going to do this? Leave the ranch. Leave my family?

Leave Kaylee?

My father stood to the side Copyright 2016 - 2024