Always Enough (Meet Me in Montana #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,67

ounce of regret on her face for the words she had just said.

So that was it. I had successfully pushed her away for good. The only thing I could do was nod, force another smile, then say, “Thanks for the dance, Kaylee. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

Before she could say anything else, I’d turned and headed off the dance floor. I pulled the paper Dirk had given me out of my pocket and dialed the number as I made my way toward the exit.

A male voice came on the line. “This is Sam James.”

“Sam, it’s Ty Shaw.”

“Ty! Man, it’s great to hear from you. I take it Dirk’s spoken to you.”

I didn’t bother to look back into the ballroom. I wasn’t sure if I could stand the sight of Kaylee in Channing’s arms again. “He did.”


“I’m interested in talking.”

“This is amazing news. How soon can you come to New York?”

“How soon can you have a private plane here?”

Sam laughed. “Pack a bag. You’ll leave in the morning.”

Chapter Eighteen


The moment the words were out of my mouth, I wanted to tell him I was sorry. Instant regret pulsed through my body. The look of devastation on his face would haunt me the rest of my life, I was sure of it.

I couldn’t move, though. The urge to tell him I hadn’t meant it was so strong, but I was also so angry he had avoided me for weeks, then tried to tell me he would have been there if I had ended up being pregnant. All the emotions seemed to hit me at once, and I had no idea how to react or what to say. So I had purposely hurt him and then saw the pain in his eyes, and I hated myself for it. Then he simply walked away.

The moment I saw him pulling out his phone, I knew what he was doing. Nausea rolled through my stomach, and I almost went after him.

I waited for Ty to turn around, to give me one last look, but he didn’t. He pushed the door open and walked out.

My hand instinctively went to my mouth in an attempt not to call out his name.

What if that had been Ty’s attempt at telling me he wanted something more, and I had let my pride and anger push him away?

Oh God, what did I do?

“Kaylee, you shouldn’t be standing on the dance floor all alone. Where did Ty go?”

The sound of Channing’s voice only added to the guilt I was already feeling. I forced a smile before turning and facing him. “He got a phone call and needed to leave.”

“Dance with me again?”

“I’m sorry, Channing. I need to check on the food and then hunt down Dirk, my date.”

It looked like he winced, maybe at the reminder that I had actually come with another man and that he had come with a date of his own. The girl who’d been flirting with Dirk. What were the odds of that?

“Enjoy yourself, though!” I said, keeping my voice light and airy. The moment I spotted Dirk, I made a beeline for him.

He was at the table with Brock and Lincoln, holding Morgan. Even she was taken with him. Just like she had been with Ty. She was a smart girl and loved her uncles so. When I’d looked over earlier and saw Ty holding Morgan, I’d nearly fallen into a fit of tears.

I had no idea what in the world was going on with me; my emotions were all over the place. Case in point: the closer I got to the table, the angrier I got.

No. I knew exactly why my emotions were zipping along on the roller-coaster ride of emotion.

Ty. Shaw.

“Dirk, I need to talk to you.”

Brock’s phone beeped, and he looked down at it. Then his face turned white as a ghost. “Holy shit.”

“What’s wrong?” Lincoln and Dirk asked.

I, on the other hand, felt like there was a lump in my throat.

Brock looked over at Dirk. “Did you know about the job offer from CBS?”

Dirk nodded. “I was the one who presented it to him earlier this evening. Why?”

Brock looked back down at his phone, then scrubbed his hand over his face. “Ty just texted me he’s leaving for New York City in the morning to meet with CBS about a possible commentary job on the Unleash the Beast Tour.”

“What? Ty’s leaving Hamilton? The ranch?” Lincoln’s gaze snapped over to me.

“I can’t believe it,” Brock said, utter disbelief in his voice.

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