Alpha Warriors of The Cause - Tamara Rose Blodgett Page 0,8

reaches a finger toward its velvety wings. It lights on her fingertip and Beth croons, “There, there, Sampson. I do adore you.” Beth tilts her face, and the butterfly's wings whips softly against her cheek.

Jeb would like to revel in the reunion but more pressing things beckon.

He leaves Jacky and Maddie to embrace and sweeps the house. Something Beth didn't think to do. Her lack of awareness speaks to the shock of the last few days.

Jeb's eyes move everywhere, noting filth in the corners and half eaten food stuffs strewn around a kitchen without water.

Jacky moves to turn on a light. “Do not!” Jeb hisses and the boy's hand stalls.

“What? It's darker than pitch, Merrick.”

Jeb nods within the gloom. “Yes, so let's not announce our presence.”

“Jeb's right, Jacky,” Beth says. “However…”

I thought too soon. Jeb crosses his arms.

“I have a back-up system. We could implement the pulse code, and while the water is heating, we could find something to eat.”

Maddie's lip trembles before she swiftly tucks it inside her mouth. Dirty tracks from her tears line her face. “There is nothing to eat.”

“Damn,” Jeb says quietly.

“Not true.” Beth smiles.

Jeb takes another look around the pathetically old-fashioned abode and smirks. There's not a crumb to be had. He shoots her a pointed look of disbelief.

She gives a small shrug. “I have a pulse-hydrator.”

Fabulous. Jeb's mouth falls open, and Beth walks by, poking him in the gut as she passes. He catches her finger, raises her palm to his lips, and presses a soft kiss in its center.

Sampson the butterfly rises and flies to the rafter, where it perches on the glossy wood, seeming to observe them.

“Jeb,” Beth begins.

Jeb can't help it; he pulls her against him and presses her head into his chest.

Maddie's face registers her shock. “What—what've I missed?” She looks first at Jeb then Beth.

Jacky answers, “A shit ton. First, we got our asses handed to us in our world. My folks were murdered.”

Eyes round, Maddie slaps her hands over her mouth. “Oh my God, Jacky. I'm so sorry,” she whispers through her fingers.

Jacky takes her hands, tugging her to the couch. They sit down slowly, and he looks into her eyes. “It was Chuck all along, Mad. He was the one who killed Chase and made it look like a car accident.”

Maddie snatches her hands back.

Jeb and Beth loosen their hold, turning their attention to the Threes.

She shakes her head. “No—he couldn't.”

Jacky nods thoughtfully. “He totally did. Admitted it to me, killed my folks on the anniversary of Chase's death. Then he took Beth and worked her over pretty good.”

Maddie looks at Beth, and she lowers her head. Adrenaline shoots through Jeb's system at just the memory of what he saved her from—what it could have turned into.

Maddie's chin dips, and black hair slides forward to hide her face. “I'm glad he's dead.”

Jacky rolls his eyes. “Well, duh.”

Her head jerks up. She gives him a tentative smile then looks at Beth and Jeb. “But these guys. What—are they together, together?”

Beth sighs, stepping away from Jeb.

He aches from the distance, his jaw clenching. This soul mate stuff is all fine and dandy when the other half wants it, too.

Jeb's not so sure Beth does.

“Jeb has declared me his soul mate.”

Maddie glances between the two of them. “Uh—you don't make it sound like great news, Beth.”

Jeb lays his hand on Beth's nape, and just that simple contact soothes him. “When a Reflective's timepiece has disintegrated, they are free to answer the call in one of the thirteen sectors for their other half.”

“It's a big no-no for the ʻother halfʼ to be a Reflective,” Jacky inserts.

“Jacky,” Beth says sharply.

He tosses his arms in the air. “Just sayinʼ.”

Maddie giggles. “So, why is Beth the girl?”

Jeb squeezes her lightly and drops his hand away.

Beth sighs.

“We've discovered that Beth has Bloodling genetics.”

“They're a bad-ass vamp race who live in treehouses and shit.” Jacky nods.

Jeb groans. “They are more than vampire. They are a mixed colony, descended from true vampires and extraordinary humans who possess pure blood. In certain cases, they possess angelic blood.”

Maddie stares, her lips parting.

Jacky interjects, “None of those dudes were angels. Pfft—for real. I saw the fight between that clown Ryan and the big Bloodling dude. Nothing heavenly about that. Just a lot of ass-kicking.”

“Slade,” Beth whispers.

Jeb gives her a sharp look, trying to keep his anger in check. Something about Slade has her in knots, and Jeb wants to know what it is. Did he hurt her?

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