Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,35

off as I dive at Carnell’s back.


- Kaneer

AS WE ENTER the encampment, I see that Pascel has done his part. This is the quickest I’ve walked back from the stream with a burden… ever. I’m more than excited to explore things with this female.

If what I suspect is true, she’s entering a heat cycle. Just like sak in the praline trees, once a year our females enter their heat cycle—or used to. Unfortunately, because of the biological changes brought on by catastrophic events during the last war, very few of our women ovulate naturally. Consequently, none of them go into heat.

There’s been speculation through the years, scientists putting forth the hypothesis that we no longer need the heat cycle in our species. But that’s ridiculous, considering children are not produced without it. They sequester the women who respond to the fertility drugs. They become part of the breeding program. All others have more of a say about where they spend their lives, making their way into different occupations. Or if they’re adventurous, moving into the encampments above ground.

The fires are burning bright, and as is customary, the tents have been erected from the center out. Most of the rest are far out in the surrounding woods and more on the perimeter. Hot stews are fragrant on the breeze, and I’m relieved to see the bathing pots are preheating.

Heading directly for my tent, I stop Sunny from getting down prematurely. I don’t release her until I’m standing in front of my tent for fear of her soft feet getting damaged. “Carnell, draw me a bath.”

My loud demand is heard by the tub bearers, who clearly got the message from Pascel because they’re in place almost immediately. We agreed we’d only say we’d located an abandoned female. Not lost… or indicating in any fashion that she’s different. I can’t invite any undue attention to her. It’s the surest way to get challenged. Then, when they lose, which they inevitably would, they may report her appearance to the low dwellers.

There’s a flurry of activity as they fill the tub, and as tempted as I am to pull Sunny into the water with me, I know it’s a bad idea. As it is, she’s already washed, but I’d like to get clean and at least rinse off the dust before our night together in my bed. If she’s really going into heat, she’ll want to use fresh linens for nesting. She’ll never allow me to remove them for cleaning. It could be a week!

Divesting myself of my clothing, I watch Sunny pant lightly as she stares at me. Her eyes are everywhere while I unwrap my covering. She’s admiring my body without words, the same way I plan to admire hers. Making quick work of it, I hop into the tub, not surprised to see Carnell standing by all ready for our nightly ritual. It’s then I hear the feral growl and realize the mistake I’ve made. Sunny rounds the tub, coming at Carnell’s back, and I barely intercept her in time.

My wet body crashes into hers as I cut her off just before her nails rake down Carnell’s back. Although she still hasn’t exposed her retracted claws, from the look on her face, what she has would be very effective. Especially taking Carnell by surprise.

Carnell turns around with a snarl, instantly defensive and dropping into a crouch, facing Sunny and letting out her own warning call. I can’t blame her for that, but immediately order her, “Leave us. Now!”

The clearing quiets almost instantly as everyone vacates the vicinity. It’s up to me as the Alpha to establish my dominance, but I’m unsure of the protocol when defending for mating privileges. I’ve never dealt with this before. Can she even control her urges? And then, there’s the simple fact that I want to mate with her.

I already know I won’t share! She must feel the same. I sense the way all the males in my encampment have been watching her. It has my hackles up, nerves bristling.

Instead, I must concentrate. I'll get us shuffled into my tent and sequestered as quickly as possible. Clearly, my hormones have affected her, and maybe carrying her against me was the right thing to do, since I wanted her to want me.

Thankfully, it doesn’t look like she’ll be presenting for a challenge—which is a good thing because from what I’ve heard about past challenges, they could be until someone surrenders or even to the death. That’s not Copyright 2016 - 2024