Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,33

hand and fingers as I keep up the rhythm I’ve started. Only a knuckle deep, I gently rub against the front wall of her body, and her voice rises with her release.

I continue thrusting in and out until her entire body is quivering around my finger. Her little face has moved up and her lips have latched onto my skin, tiny teeth digging in for purchase. My entire body quivers in excitement as her grip tightens on my skin. I want so badly to finish this, but I know it will be all the sweeter in my own bed where she can nest.


- Sunny

OF COURSE, I have every intention of saying no to his advances. As he crashes through the water, running at me aggressively, my arousal doesn’t turn to fear as I expect. Even when he grips me, twisting my wraparound dress into a garment that cages my arms down, I don’t get scared.

It should frighten me! I should be petrified! I’m on a strange planet and have no idea where I am. I’ve got a huge alien bearing down on me, and there’s no way I can run away from him. Instead of being alarmed, my arousal evolves to excitement. So far, he’s played my body like an instrument. Everything around me turns into a haze as I become disorientated—until we get out of the water.

Suddenly, I’m sitting on his lap, and he’s looking at me as if he’s asking for permission. He’s still purring like a banshee, and I can’t think at all! The way the sound drives right into my body, like an ice pick into my brain, is staggering.

Considering the guy isn’t even human, it’s amazing how well he seems to know my body. Better than I seem to know it myself. Honestly, everything’s a haze as his fingers dance at my opening, creating the most incredible sensations and relieving the frustrated built-up energy I don’t even understand. I’m practically begging for it by the time he finally presses a big finger inside me.

I swear… he probably only strokes me about three times and I start coming as soon as he breaches my entrance. I’m boneless in the aftermath, and as I come to my senses, I realize I’m biting down on his skin at the base of his neck where my head has collapsed.

“I’m so sorry!” I apologize when I release my lips, although I’m still having trouble lifting my head. Instead, I roll to the edge of his shoulder, looking up at him with wonder.

What is going on with me? I’m thirty-five-years old and I’ve never come that hard. Ever. Definitely… definitely never by a man.

His large hand cups my head in the back as he shifts his body and gets to his feet effortlessly, still cupping my head in his hand. Looking down on me with a satisfied smirk, he says nothing as he takes a few steps. When he stops and crouches down again with me still in his arms, I realize he’s moved to where he dropped his clothes bag. His voice ripples through my body as he squeezes me to him. “Don’t apologize. You’ve been testing my control now for some time. It won’t be long, and we can both enjoy your heat.”

My what? I’m not sure what he means, but honestly, I’m not really even in the mood for conversation at this point. I feel so depleted. I don’t know if it’s trauma or what, but I don’t want to move.

Letting him finish gathering his things, I shift back in his arms, attempting to right my clothing. The hem of my makeshift dress is dripping water as I attempt to make the front decent, so my tits aren’t hanging out. I’m about to give up when I glance over and see him watching me with a small smile. “Would you just like a new one?”

Laughing slightly, I nod. “Yeah, I’d appreciate that.”

“It’s for the best. I can smell the fires, so we’re close.”

Sniffing slightly, I think I do smell what he’s referring to. So, when he picks me up in his arms and begins to walk, I think it must only be a few minutes away. It’s kind of annoying to be carried, but with my feet bare, I’m also at his mercy.

It takes longer than I suspected. It’s probably about half an hour of walking through a much denser forest than what was at the higher elevation with those enormous trees earlier. I smell the campsite Copyright 2016 - 2024