Alpha Siege (Omega Mates #1) - Pearl Tate Page 0,28

need be. Thankfully, most of the sak have finally moved away from the cliff’s edge and settled down.

While Pascel is still holding her, I run my hands along her scalp and under her hair searching for any kind of device or strange anomaly. There must be a control for her flying craft. She’s frozen under my palms, acting as if she does not understand what I might be searching for.

Taking my time, I enjoy the sensation of her smooth, light skin under my fingers as I follow the contours of her curvy small body. When I reach her chest, I can feel her holding her breath, and notice from the tension under my hands, that she’s struggling against Pascel’s strength. Quickly I finish, satisfying myself that there’s nothing anyone could tie her back to that would forfeit my claim.

Giving him a curt nod, he releases her at the same time I grasp her and pull her into my arms just as the tears begin to stream down her cheeks. She fights my hold, but I know her anger will die. I don’t have any other choice if I’m to ensure both our safety.


- Sunny

I DON’T REALLY know what all the secrecy is about. I’ve tried to ask questions, but since we’ve left the cluster of trees after that slight tremor and their prayer time-out, he’s been carrying me. He’s had to after taking my shoes, the big brute!

His whole challenging statement makes me think I’m a commodity he’s going to have to fight over. Is that possible? Could I have landed on some kind of prehistoric planet?

Although his clothes are dirty, they look well made. It doesn’t appear they’re surprised by the technology of the craft I arrived in. It’s more like they want to keep the knowledge of my arrival completely to themselves.

Once he and Pascel begin to jog, it’s a matter of staring at the horizon. My stomach has just had too much happen to it today! From the moment I woke up on that spaceship, it’s been one twirling ride after another. Getting thrown around in it, and now carried while he runs, I’m definitely not feeling really great.

Having no choice, I turn in his arms and cling to him as best I can with one arm and both legs. He’s covering the distance at a much quicker pace than I certainly ever would have. His gait is fairly smooth, but there’s a little spring every time his feet leave the ground that causes me to lose my stomach. Hence, why I’m following the old adage of keeping an eye on the horizon.

I’ve been out on boats on and off during my life. I’ve always had trouble with seasickness. I don’t do twirly rides, and I certainly don’t let people manhandle me and toss me around. Sure, I’m barely five feet tall, but no one would ever call me slight.

In fact, by everyday standards, I’m plus-sized. I’m not fat—yet. I probably could be, especially if I keep eating as I have over the last six months. Between my breakup with Nick and Baxter’s sickness, I haven’t really had time to take care of myself.

As we reach the tree line to the forest that was across the valley, it feels like we’ve been traveling forever. Although I know it’s probably only been a little while, I look at him and beg, “Can we take a break?”

He immediately lowers me to my feet but has his hands on his hips like he’s about to scold me. “What’s wrong with you?”

Blowing out an exasperated breath, I give him the finger, but it has no effect. He just looks at it puzzled, as if that was his explanation and he doesn’t get it. “My tummy feels like it’s been through a roller coaster ride.” When he still continues to stare at me blankly, I add, “I don’t feel well.” Grabbing my stomach to emphasize my discomfort.

Understanding flashes in his eyes as he moves to pick me up again less than a minute later, and I submit with a sad sigh. Clearly, he has places to go and people to see, and my body's weaknesses are not working with his agenda. Giving in, I wrap my arms and legs around him, inhaling his scent, which for some reason, seems to help.

“I’ll try to move at a smoother pace.” That’s nice of him. His voice rumbles through me, and instead of stopping after those words, he continues to hum, his body vibrating Copyright 2016 - 2024